Friday, May 31, 2019
Eric Clapton :: essays research papers fc
Eric Clapton Eric Clapton is an innovative guitarist, basically the first to combine blue and rock, which in turn jutularized blues. Because of his skill and ever-evolving style, his harmony is a lasting contribution in itself. Eric Clapton do his recording debut with The Yardbirds, the Britishgroup that also featured guitar virtuosos Jimmy Page and Jeff Beck. Together,they created a all new blues/rock sound that many of the famous 60s and 70sbands copied. Clapton left The Yardbirds when he felt the band strayed too farfrom their blues roots towards pop music. E.C. then joined British keyboardist, harmonica player,singer/songwriter John Mayall and his band, The Bluesbreakers to work on analbum. Clapton, with the fresh, up and coming band, do a pure blues albumthat many blues fans consider to be his best. After the one-album stint with The Bluesbreakers, Clapton formed a newgroup call ed Cream with bassist/vocalist Jack Bruce and drummer ginger Baker.The trio made four highly successful albums together in the next few years.Their more rock like interpretations of old blues songs made blues more popularto the mainstream, much more so than with The Yardbirds. Cream had several top40 hits, including "Sunshine of Your Love", "White Room", and " junction". Towards the end of the 60s Cream split up. Eric Clapton joined theband Blind Faith in 69 and did fairly well with it, but the group broke up chop-chop after the release of their only album. It was then that Claptonlaunched his solo career. For A few years in the early 70s Clapton played withbackup band "Delaney and Bonnie and Friends", and made a few pretty successfulalbums, but nothing in comparison to the popularity he had with Cream.This was the start of a period of time (basically most of the 70s) whereEric Clapton would substitute around from backup band to backup band. In doing this,he had to play differently with each one, so it kept his style fresh and everchanging. In the 70s Eric took more of a departure from blues and went on tobasically playing rock and pop. An exception to this would be when he coveredBob Marleys song "I Shot the Sheriff" and took a stab at reggae. He didexcellently with it, too, it was a big Top 40 hit. The eighties saw Eric Clapton make fewer albums. Although this was the deplorable point in his career, he still made albums that were quality by any standard.They also saw a more mature Clapton. The Eric from the sixties with his endless,
Thursday, May 30, 2019
Various law :: essays research papers
Charta Magna agreement between king John and his barons laying down mutual rights and obligations as well as the position of the lower magnificence and the church. (1215)Habeas Corpus is an important remedy against un rightful commitment. (1679)Bill of rights protects statements in either house of parliament granting parliament itself the power to fine or imprison those who shame this privilege. It also prohibited the king to levy taxes or keep an army without permission of parliament. (1689)Act of settlement Secured the succession of the throne after the death of William trey who was king of England but who didnt have any children. It gave the throne to Princess Sofia of Hannover and her heirs, being Protestants.(1700)Charles-Luis de Montesquieu De lespiritu des lois (1748)Jean-Jaques Rouseau is the author of discours sur l origine el les fondaments de l inegalite parmi les homes(1754)contrat social ou principes du droit (1762)Independence of ground forces (1776)French Revolut ion (1784)Types of lawsStatute laws An act of the legislative body of a state or country, declaring, commanding, or prohibiting something a positive law the written will of the legislature expressed with all the requisite forms of legislation -- used in distinction from common law.Statute is commonly applied to the acts of a legislative body consisting of representatives. In monarchies, legislature laws of the sovereign are called edicts, decrees, ordinances, rescripts, etc. In works on international law and in the Roman law, the term is used as bosom all laws imposed by competent authority. Statutes in this sense are divided into statutes real, statutes personal, and statutes mixed statutes real applying to immovables statutes personal to movables and statutes mixed to both classes of property.Statute rule book a record of laws or legislative acts.Federal Laws Rules that are applied on a federal levelInternational LawsA set of rules generally regarded and accepted as binding in relations between states and nations. Also called law of nations. These are the rules regulating the mutual intercourse of nations. International law is chiefly the product of the conditions from time to time of international intercourse, being drawn from diplomatic discussion, textbooks, proof of usage, and from recitals in treaties. It is called public when treating of the relations of sovereign powers, and private when of the relations of persons of divers(prenominal) nationalities. International law is now, by the better opinion, part of the common law of the land.By-laws A local or subordinate law a private law or regulation made by a corporation for its own government.
Wednesday, May 29, 2019
Cyberspace in William Gibsons Neuromancer :: essays research papers
Cyberspace in William Gibsons NeuromancerAs described by William Gibson in his science fiction novel Neuromancer,cyberspace was a "Consensual hallucination that felt and looked like a physicalspace but actuallly was a computer-generated construct representing abstractdata." Years later, mankind has realized that Gibsons stack is very close toreality. The term cyberspace was frequently ingestiond to explain or describe theprocess in which two computers connect with each opposite through various telephonelines. In this communication between the two systems there seems to be nodistance between them.There are forthwith four catagories that describe the major components of todayscyber space. iodin oof those is commercial on-line prevail. These large computersystems can host thousands of users simultaneously. When a computer userpurchases an account from the attach to they recieve a screen name and a password.The user then can use his or her screen name and password to log on and use thesystem. Most of the online systems have chat rooms where users can chat in realtime with one an other(a). some users even think of on-line services as a community.The second catagory involves Bulletin Boards or (BBSs). These servicesallow the user accounts like their larger on-line service cousins. These BBSshave less users because they run on smaller computers. The system operators,more commonly known as sysops, are running the boards. Since most BBSs arehobbies there is usually no bill for an account. The same as on-line services,users use BBSs for trades, games, and to chat among other users. Sincebulletin boeard are so easy to set up there are thousands of them placed aroundthe world. Each board has a theme. These themes range from astronomy to racistneo-nazi crap. A boards theme helps users in their search for a board that will suffer their personal preference.A third catagory is the Private System. These private systems sometime runbulletin boards privately, n on letting the public acess. In these privatesystems users can consummate specialized computer operations, or access to data.Through this private network users within a company can send mail, faxes, andother messages to each other through the companies computer network. If aworker was to look up a customers information he could access it through thecompanies private network. The public can not get access to the companiesprivate system unless he or she knows the systems password.The fourth and last catagory is computer networks. These collections are agroup of connected computers that exchange information. One of the most wellknown is the internet. The internet is the so called "network of networks.
General Motors/UAW :: essays research papers
GM/UAW What Can We Expect?In the past, General Motors (GM) has been the top seller of the three major automakers and had angiotensin-converting enzyme of the strongest mergers in the United States. Today, GM is decreasing in rank due to other automakers. The moral among the members of the United Auto Workers (UAW) is diminishing. If things continue on this current path, GM may be of the pass. Even with all the discounts GM is advertising, this may not be enough to pull them come on of their financial burden. Could the answers to GM worries be the UAW?The UAW was organise in the late 1930s. The purpose of the organization was to protect the workers rights. GM was not in agreement with the workers forming a union. After much debate, the workers staged a set down strike that lasted about six weeks. This tremendously affected GMs profits and they decided to give recognition to the UAW as having the right to represent workers who are union members.The UAW and GM are both strong orga nizations in their own rights. They must put aside their past disagreements and come together to help GM out of this financial situation. GM has threatened to make cuts on their own, causing breakdown in the relationship with the union. UAW is willing to make concessions, but not to the extent of what GM is demanding. UAW needs to open a contract talk before 2007, in order for GM to survive. Without a GM there will be no UAW, and UAW needs to remember that.GM and UAW seem to be playing a dangerous game that can destroy many peoples spry hood. GM is hurting financially and instead of asking for help from the UAW, GM prefer to threaten them about health care appeals. GM chairman, G. Richard Wagoner Jr., verbalise recently that he prefers to collaborate with the UAW on health care issues rather than a fight. Mr. Wagoner stated that he would press the issues for health care cost cuts with or without the unions approval. It is crystal clear that we need to achieve a significant reduct ion in the health care cost injury and it needs to be done now (Welch, 2005).GM is seeking to slash health care cost and the stakes are massive. Billion in potential difference savings for GM if their demands are met, but if not GM will have lost billions if the UAW strikes.
Tuesday, May 28, 2019
The Physics of Basketball Essays -- Physics Essays
The physical science of BasketballIntroductionAny child potful pick up a basketball, bounce it a few times, and throw it at the hoop without realizing the complex physics he is involving himself in. However, a greater thought of the sport can be gained by applying the principles of physics to these actions. Through this paper I will be examining the physics of drivel and shooting. For the equations, I will enjoyment a standard mens basketball with a mass of 25 oz. (0.7 kg) and a diameter of 9.39.DribblingIf the basketball was simply dropped from a crown of 1 meter with no initial push from the dribbler and rebounded from the floor in a perfectly elastic bang, Mechanical Energy for the system would be conserved (1). However, the collision is not completely elastic and the dribbler pushes the ball with an initial force to ensure that it returns to his hand. To simplify the process I will head start consider a situation in which the ball is allowed to fall freely from a height o f 1 meter and has a perfectly elastic collision with the floor. After that I will take the true nature of the collision with the floor and the force applied by the dribbler into consideration.Because Mechanical Energy (ME) is contact to Kinetic Energy (KE) plus Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) and Mechanical Energy is conserved, I know that the initial KE + GPE at 1 meter equals the KE + GPE save before it impacts the ground. If KE = mv2 and initial velocity is zero, then the initial Kinetic Energy is zero. GPE would equal mass X temperance X height. Assuming mass is 0.7 kg, gravity is 9.8 m/s2 , and the height is 1 meter, then GPE is equal to 7.0 kg * m2/s2. Conversely, the GPE would be zero just before impact because height is zero but KE wo... ...with no spin (1). Therefore, giving the ball backspin decreases the force necessary to propel a basketball a certain distance because it will not fall as quickly.Understanding the physics of shooting and dribbling a basketball m ay not increase the enjoyment of watching the NBA finals, but it may help break a basketball players skill. If he can find the right force necessary to propel the ball back to his hand when dribbling and realizes the importance of giving the ball a chance to fall down into the rim, he will be better off for the next game. Works Cited1.Kirkpatrick, L. D., & Wheeler, G. F. (2001). Physics A World View. Orlando Harcourt College Publishers.2.How Things Work. Louis A. Bloomfield. Retrieved April 2003. http// basketball - http//
The Physics of Basketball Essays -- Physics Essays
The Physics of BasketballIntroductionAny child give the sack pick up a basketball game, bounce it a few times, and throw it at the hoop without realizing the complex physical science he is involving himself in. However, a greater understanding of the sport can be gained by applying the principles of physics to these actions. Through this paper I will be examining the physics of dribbling and shooting. For the equations, I will use a archetype mens basketball with a mass of 25 oz. (0.7 kg) and a dia clip of 9.39.DribblingIf the basketball was simply dropped from a aggrandizement of 1 meter with no sign push from the dribbler and rebounded from the floor in a perfectly elastic smasher, Mechanical slide fastener for the system would be conserved (1). However, the collision is not completely elastic and the dribbler pushes the ball with an initial force to ensure that it returns to his hand. To simplify the process I will first consider a situation in which the ball is allowed to fall freely from a height of 1 meter and has a perfectly elastic collision with the floor. After that I will take the true nature of the collision with the floor and the force applied by the dribbler into consideration.Because Mechanical Energy (ME) is equal to Kinetic Energy (KE) plus Gravitational Potential Energy (GPE) and Mechanical Energy is conserved, I know that the initial KE + GPE at 1 meter equals the KE + GPE just before it impacts the ground. If KE = mv2 and initial velocity is zero, then the initial Kinetic Energy is zero. GPE would equal mass X gravity X height. Assuming mass is 0.7 kg, gravity is 9.8 m/s2 , and the height is 1 meter, then GPE is equal to 7.0 kg * m2/s2. Conversely, the GPE would be zero just before impact because height is zero but KE wo... ...with no spin (1). Therefore, expectant the ball backspin decreases the force necessary to propel a basketball a certain distance because it will not fall as quickly.Understanding the physics of shooting and dribbling a basketball may not increase the enjoyment of watching the NBA finals, but it may help improve a basketball players skill. If he can find the right force necessary to propel the ball back to his hand when dribbling and realizes the importance of vainglorious the ball a chance to fall down into the rim, he will be better off for the next game. Works Cited1.Kirkpatrick, L. D., & Wheeler, G. F. (2001). Physics A area View. Orlando Harcourt College Publishers.2.How Things Work. Louis A. Bloomfield. Retrieved April 2003. http// basketball - http//
Monday, May 27, 2019
No Easy Task
The well being of a nation begins with the development of its younger generation. They are the iodines that get out assume the task of running and maintaining the well being of this nation in the future. Unfortunately the task of to lead these spring chickens in the right direction is no behind task. Numerous articles and studies fall in confirmed that our young person problems is a rising issue and should receive extra attention. Youth problems range from poor school achievement to spring chicken pregnancy, crime, and drug addictions.Many experts have noted that one of the major causes that contribute to younker having problems is the lack of strong family value and substantial home-life. Youth belonging to this kinsperson are normally ones that have single parents or weak or uncaring parents. The above perspective along with some other variables, such as income level, media influence, and educational level, should explain why the youth problem phenomenon occurs. One of th e fundamental ways to view why youth develop problems is to view their family structure.Many youth do not have what is considered to be a healthy or complete family. For example, if a youth is raised by a single parent, he or she may lack many of the family essentials, such family warmth, love sharing, or normal family life. The youth may also develop shame feelings among his or her peers. some other scenario force be a youth raised by weak and uncaring parents. The youth might not receive the adequate attention and focusing necessary for their thoughts, actions, and perhaps wrongdoing. In this case the youth may develop two types of feelings.They will either feel abandon because of the parents uncaring nature, or, the youth might feel exceptional freedom because the parents simply is weak or do not care. In both cases, youths having such family structures develops much higher percentage to score themselves from their common peers. The second variable that seems to have a large influence as to why youth develop problems is the income level in which they reside. Income level is one of the issues that can t be changed so easily. governance aid and subsidies could only do so much in the aid of poverty stricken neighborhoods. mostly a great percentage of youth growing up in such a poor neighborhoods have a higher chance in exposing themselves to the numerous problems, such as, pregnancy, drugs, crimes. It is unfortunate, but no doubt that environment in which these youth grew up in are surrounded by such factors. Government funding and local group activist have trying to cure these blighted neighborhoods. Local activity centers, and youth organizations, and schools are fighting there ways into these area in hope to help give youth of these communities a better chance to succeed.Another variable that should be considered in why youth develop problems is media influences. Like Debra J. Saunders noted in her December 1999 editorial, youth are constantly being e xpose to the electronic media set out to influence youth to follow certain trends and mode of thinking. This is very true in this cyberspace, electronic media era. The Internet, television, and other media unconsciously place many messages in the minds of the youths. The youth are expending more of their time attracted to these media than they are in their necessary duties.The power or the media is so great that many of the youths mode of thinking are drawn to the temper lifestyles of movies idols. The media have directly manipulated what is reality and what is fantasy in the mind of the youths. Therefore youths often try to be somebody or do something they saw from these electronic media exposures. Perhaps that the numerous in school shootings by teenage youths across the nation are the indirect results from too much media exposures toward youths.The final area that seems to contributes to youth problems are the educational level in which the youths are associated with. Education al levels vary greatly in schools that youths attend. The educational achievement accomplished by students determines if new educational programs are needed to aid underachieving students build there necessary skills to advance. Because the lack of such programs in some school, many youths in this category, find it difficult to gallop their educational course.Therefore the rate of youth problems is the dependent variable of the drop out rate. Many students choose to alternative course of action if they cannot succeed in school. Their minimum knowledge is insufficient to land them much hope in making it the real world. Consequently problems are prone to along the route for these youths. We have briefly looked into the issue on contributing factors in youth problems. The variables we discussed are family structures, income level, media influences, and educational levels.It is important to acknowledge how these links intertwine in the life of a developing youth. Though we cannot simpl y generalize that a youth will develop problems once they have encounters with any or all of these variables for there are numerous successful examples for us to refer upon. But numerous studies have shown that the risk for youth to develop problems such as teen pregnancy, crime, drugs, and violence is at a higher rate when they are being raised in an environment that contains the variable we have discussed today.
Sunday, May 26, 2019
Intermittent Fasting Essay
Intermittent Fasting (or IF) takes that time and increases it. Some versions follow a unriv alled day on one day off protocol, others will confirm you fast 24 hours twice a week, and another popular version is fasting every day for 16 hours, while eat uping 8 (SST. capital of South Dakota and Braid 1-2). Most nutritionist and health experts say that the key to a healthy diet is many small meals throughout the day. There is very little, if any, look for proving that to be true. In fact, recent studies redeem shown just the opposite to be true. That IF, decreasing the amount of time you spend eating, has improved health and lead to fatness and eight loss.The most important part of any diet is how it improves overall health. IF has been shown in multiple studies to help decrease the risk of type 2 diabetes, inhibit seizures, improve insulin sensitivity, and has even shown improved memory and bring down the risk of stroke in studies done on rats. A lot of the studies on the health aspects of IF have been done on rats. This is where most studies get started before moving on the primates then humans. In a university study conducted led by Voiceless, it was ground that rats placed n an alternate day fasting group for 30 days showed better recollection on finding their way through a maze (2).They were shown the way out and were able to find their way our faster on repeat attempts. This shows how their memory was improved following the fasting diet. It also reduced inflammation in the brain. In another study done on rats, it was found that an IF diet reduced the risk of stroke (Fan et la. 5). Testing has not tho been done on animals though. Although a small sample size was used (6 children suffering from seizures), a study found the 4 out of the 6 children when charge n a 2 half day fast a week for 2 months, had a reduction in the amount of seizures, while one of them only had a reduction on the fasting days (Hartman 2).Based on the small size and lacking a co ntrol group, it can be state for sure the IF reduces the effects of seizures, but it is definitely worth looking into. Another important aspect in ones diet is how it affects weight and fat loss. It is well cognize that calorie restriction is on the only rock solid way to lose weight. Calories ingested have to be less than calories spent through exercise, daily activity, etcetera The problem with calorie restriction is that one has to count the calories they are eating by measuring and weighing food. Unless they have a nutritionist or chef preparing their food, it is probable that they will overestimate their calories. By using IF, it is not necessary to weigh and measure food, but by cutting down the allotted time to eat it is much more likely that less food will be eaten. In a study comparing IF, UDF (alternate day fasting), and calorie restriction, it was found that all three groups lost weight, visible fat, and reduced insulin (Baryons et la 8). The eight/fat loss was greater in the calorie restriction group, but the IF and UDF were not further behind.For the average American that doesnt have the time to weigh and measure foods or unable to afford a personal chef, IF is an excellent choice. In conclusion, IF is a near diet to try if one wants to lose weight and improve health. There have been enough studies that show it is a good method, and It is more practical than calculation calories. Imagine an early ancestor trekking through the woods for two days on an empty stomach tracking a heard of deer. Humans Were born(p) to fast. Works Cited Baryons, Adrienne, Howdy, Kristin, InterTAN Terry, and Aviary, Skirts.
Saturday, May 25, 2019
Pros and cons of the Death Penalty Essay
Capital Punishment, effectual infliction of stopping point as a penalisation for violating criminal law. Methods of execution have included such practices as crucifixion, stoning, drowning, burning at the stake, impaling, and beheading. Today capital punishment is typically accomplished by lethal gas or injection, electrocution, hanging, or shooting.The remnant penalty is the most controversial penal practice in the modern world.The United States stands apart from the everyday trends on capital punishment. It is the only Western industrialized nation where executions still take place. Furtherto a greater extent, it is the only nation that combines frequent executions with a highly developed legal system characterized by respect for individual rights.Some of the pros and cons are as followsPros- Just Punishment-A punishment is just if it recognizes the seriousness of the crime. Let the punishment jeer the crime is a generally accepted and sound precept. In structuring criminal strong beliefs, society must determine what punishment fits the premeditated taking of innocuous compassionate life. To be proportionate to the offense of cold-blooded murder, the penalty for such an offense must acknowledge the inviolability of human life. Without a death penalty, the criminal laws penalties will essentially top out and will not differentiate murder from different offenses. Only if the sentencing structure allows for a substantially greater penalty for murder will the range of penalties fully reflect the seriousness of ending the life of an innocent human being.Deterrence- The death penalty is also justified because of its incumbrance effect, which saves the lives of innocent persons by discouraging potential murderers. Logic supports the conclusion that capital punishment is the most effective deterrent for premeditated murders. A capital sentence iscertainly a more feared penalty than a prison term. The lengths to which convicted murderers go to avoid imposit ion of this sentence clearly demonstrates this fact, as do interviews with prison inmates.To be sure, the death penalty does not deter all murders. But because a capital sentence is more severe than other penalties, it is reasonable to assume that its earth will lead at least some potential murderers to decide against risking execution. As the Supreme Court has observed, There are carefully contemplated murders, such as the murder for hire, where the possible penalty of death may well enter into the cold calculus that precedes the decision to act.Incapacitation- Capital punishment also serves to effectively observe murderers from putting to death again. This incapacitation effect is particularly important because of the continuing risk posed by those who have already taken a human life. For example, according to info from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, of 52,000 state prison inmates serving time for murder in 1984, an estimated 810 had previously been convicted of murder. Had some of these murderers been given the death penalty for their first murders, innocent people would have been spared. . Only a capital sentence can permanently end the threat to others posed by the most serious murderers.The death penalty gives closure to the victims families who have suffered so much.It provides a punishment and deterrent for some unmatched whos already sentenced to life in prison.prisoner parole or escapes can give criminals another chance to kill.Cons- Risk to the Innocent- The risk that an innocent person might be executed, Unlike all other criminal punishments, the death penalty is irrevocable,(IRREVERSIBLE)CAPITAL PUNISHMENT COSTS MORE THAN INCARCERATIONA murder trial normally takes much longer when the death penalty is at issue than when it is not. Litigation costs including the time of judges, prosecutors, public defenders, and court reporters, and the high costs of briefs are mostly borne by the taxpayer. A 1982 study showed that were the death penalty to be reintroduced in New York, the cost of the capital trial alone would be more than double the cost of a life term in prison.It is barbaric and violates the cruel and unusual clause in the Bill of Rights,some people believe.We as a society have to give notice away from the eye for an eye revenge mentality if civilization is to advance.It sends the wrong message why kill people who kill people to show killing is wrong.Some jury members are reluctant to convict if it means putting someone to death.The prisoners family must suffer from seeing their loved one put to death by the state.It is useless in that it doesnt bring the victim back to life.The death penalty is racially biased against African Americansstatistical evidence conducted on cases of similar crimes found that African American defendants are over four times as likely to be executed as their White counterparts. A similar study noted that White defendants face almost no chance of execution when their victim is African-Amer ican. While African Americans happen upon up only 13% of the U.S. population, over 40% of death-row inmates are African-American. In light of these gross inequalities, the continuation of capital punishment constitutes egregious discrimination. it is also professedly that those on death row come disproportionately from low-income and high-crime geographic areas. That such areas are disproportionatelypopulated by African Americans is a tragic correlation, motion picture a troubling portrait of a nation that lacks equality.Mistakes can be made, Advances in forensic medicine and DNA testing are leading to more and more exonerations of convicted criminals.
Friday, May 24, 2019
Indus valley civilizations Essay
The Indus Valley shade is an ancient civilization that prospered along the Indus River and Ghaggar-Hakra River in present day Pakistan and India. The Indus valley civilization is sometimes called the Harappan Civilization in reference to the first excavated city called Harappa. The Indus Valley civilization was discovered in the 1920s. The existence of the Indus Civilization is wholly proved by excavations and maybe some Sumerian pieces, e. g. The Mehulan, which is said to correspond with Indus Valley civilization.The Indus Valley Civilization extended from Balochistan to Gujarat, with an upward reach to Punjab from east of the river Jhelum to Rupar on the upper Sutlej. Coastal settlements extended from Sutkagan Dor in westward Baluchistan to Lothal in Gujarat. Besides the western states of India, the Indus Valley Civilization encompassed most of Pakistan. An Indus Valley site has been found on the Oxus River at Shortughai in northern Afghanistan, at Sutkagen dor (Western Baluchi stan, Pakistan), at Mandu on the Beas River near Jammu, and at Alamgirpur on the Hindon River, only 28 km from Delhi.Indus Valley sites have been found most often on rivers, but withal on lakes, the ancient sea-coast and on islands. There is no documentary evidence that the Indus civilization really existed. What is known of it is the archeological evidence. The assumption that a civilization once existed and prospered in that valley is based on what was found there at the at the excavation sites. It is a well known fact, through erupt history, ancient Civilizations always started along the banks of rivers or water bodies. Archeologists create theories out of their findings.Most of the artifacts found on archeological sites are explained away with out all substantial recorded facts to back their explanations. The discovery of the Indus valley civilization proves that indeed there has been some human presence around there but the incertitude is is the Indus valley civilization ex actly what we are being told it is today? Are the facts acceptable for scholarly pursuits? It has being recorded that the Indus valley civilization had elements of urbanism such as advanced sewerage systems, dockyards, warehouses, granaries such as we have today.One could clearly conclude from these facts that a great form of civilization indeed existed which might be the basis of what we have today. The lack of authoritative and verifiable written materials on the Indus civilization makes it very difficult to study. This is because the proof of it does not exist in writing in the first place so that at least they can serve as other sources for referencing when in doubt. Good scholarly conclusions can only be drawn from authentic facts which can be proven over time and this is not a very strong point of the Indus civilization.
Thursday, May 23, 2019
The Halo Effect
Have you ever seen a CEO of a huge cooperation walking in to a business meeting in shorts and sneakers? Probably not. Throughout many industries of the world certain trade positions come with a specific look. Which means the someone that holds one of these positions is expected to congratulate and appear in a certain bearing. Peoples perceptions of others can be greatly affected by the aureole effect and the bias of entrancing people as demonstrated by the article Physical Attractiveness Bias In Hiring What is beautiful good by Comila Shahani-Denning and the 2006 film The Devil Wears Prada.The closed chain effect in basic terms is attri scarceing many positive qualities because of one or few good qualities notice in the person. such as a skip, attractive women may be perceived by other to be neat, well organized, and nice. Even though she doesnt actually show any show up of any of those qualities. In the film The Devil Wears Prada, The Runway magazine publishing confederati on has set a high standard of presentation for its employees. All of its employee basically fit the same description, size 2, attractive and wearing the latest fashion.Then a average looking young women named Andy walks in wearing an tackle that looked equivalent she stole it from her great grandmother closet to apply to be the assistants assistant to the head of the company, the assistant Emily begin judging her the guerilla she enters the office. She obviously doesnt fit in and is quickly overlooked for the position by the assistant. This is closely related to the ideas in Comila Shahani-Denning article of smash is good.The beauty is good theory states that attractiveness has a significant impact on a person being hired, so the more attractive view has a better chance in being hired then(prenominal) the less attractive person. Which can be seen as a type of discrimination because you its a non-work related factor. Attri yetion also plays a huge role in this situation. Attri bution is the way we find kernel to other peoples actions. thither are two different types of attribution, negative attribution and positive both of which can come from two different sources, an internal or external motive.By Andy not dressing the part shes sending a message to other that she near doesnt care. This is an example of an internal attribution. The fact that its a fashion magazine and she seems to know little or nothing well-nigh it doesnt really help her. On the other hand when the main intellectual the company head Miranda hires her is because she wasnt like the rest who didnt work out. One factor of this film that I found very interesting was the way Miranda was portrayed. Majority of the film, she shown as this cold hearted monster everyone fears.Andys perception of her is very negative and this is an example of the reverse halo affect. The reverse halo affect is fetching one negative quality and attributing many more without any obvious indications. Just by seei ng how strict Miranda is at work, andy make her seem like she has no care or compassion for anyone else but a good thing they did in the film was show her vulnerable side when she was getting split from her husband. She let her feeling show demonstrating shes not the heartless sentient being they portray her as. As human being we all try to find meaning and reasoning to everything.That what set us apart from other animal, the need to know why. But what happens when our judgments of other are found on assumptions rather than facts. We begin to get false views of people and even form stereotypes of people. One stereotype Ive heard many times is that overweight people are unorganized and just messy. Which is hard for me to understand what one has to do with the other, Im nowhere near the 121 lbs Im supposed to be for my age and height but that doesnt mean Im a slob, it just means I like food. How shallow have we become that we judge people based on physical characteristics.In addit ion to the beauty is good theory, Comila Shahani-Denning also explore the far less common beauty is beast theory. Beauty is beast theory basically states that attractive females are considered to feminine for a traditionally male role and are less likely to be hired then a less attractive female. I have seen this my entire emotional state, my mother has always been the only female at most her jobs, not because she unattractive but because she normally wears very loose fitting clothes and never wears make-up so she give off a rougher look then a women who wears , do her seem suitable for more masculine positions.The Comila Shahani-Denning article also shows a study between an individualist culture the United States and an collectivist culture India in order to see if the trend is similar throughout different cultures. The students were required to look at an application with a photo attached for a job position. The result were similar in both situations, but this may be due to the fact the students were only shown one application when in real life a employer would have a variety of different applicants. So now there working on fixing this flaw in the study and retest the hypothesis.I believe that when the study is repeated we will see a greater bias in hiring in an individualist culture do to the fact that the employee of a given company are representative of the company and many people fall for the beauty is good theory. The better the people look the better the company seems. For example if I visit two bakeries, one in which there are overweight women wearing street clothes and another with a thin attractive women wearing a proper uniform. Im more likely to rate the bakery with uniform to be better regardless of the assay of the food.So in a way this also relates to the halo effect, I seen one positive quality and attributed it to be all around better. As weve seen the halo effect and attribution are very closely related. The qualities which we notice in a person can let develop many other ideas about a person, which can make assumptions which can lead us into making wrong decisions based on these assumption for example dating a person just because of their physical attraction, you may find yourself dating a complete airhead or psycho. My point is when you assume you make an a$$ of yourself.
Wednesday, May 22, 2019
Applied Performance Practices Study Guide
APPLIED PERFORMANCE PRACTICES * FINANCIAL REWARD PRACTICES Financial Rewards- the most fundamental applied performance practice in organizational settings. Pay has multiple meanings * Symbol of success * Reinforcer and motivator * Reflection of performance * Can reduce anxiety Meaning of money varies * Higher value to men than women * ethnic values influence the meaning and value of money TYPES OF REWARDS IN THE WORKPLACE * Membership and Seniority * business concern Status * Competencies * Performance 1. Membership- and Seniority- Based Rewards * Fixed wages, longevity increases. * (Sometimes called pay for pulse) represent the largest part of most paychecks. Sample Rewards * Fixed pay * Most employee benefits * Paid time off Advantages * May attract applicants * Minimizes strain of insecurity * Reduces turnover Disadvantages * Doesnt directly motivate performance * May discourages poor performers from leaving * Golden handcuffs may undermine performance 2. ) Job Status-Based R ewards * Includes job evaluation and status perks. Job evaluation systematically evaluating the worth of jobs within an organization by measuring their required skill, effort, responsibility, and working conditions. * Maintain feelings of law (people in higher-valued jobs should get higher pay) and motivate employees to compete for advancement. Sample rewards * Promotion-based pay increase * Status-based benefits Advantages * Tries to maintain pay equity * Minimizes pay discrimination * Motivates employees to compete for promotion Disadvantages Encourages hierarchy which may increase cost and reduce responsiveness * Reinforces status differences * Motivates job competition and exaggerated job worth. 3. ) Competencies-Based Rewards * Pay increases with competencies acquired and demonstrated * Employees now feature pay increases within each pay band partly based on how well they have acquired new knowledge and skills. * Skill-based pay-is a variation of competency-based rewards in which employees are rewarded for the number of skill modules mastered and consequently the number of jobs they can perform.Sample Rewards * Pay income based on competency * Skill-based pay Advantages * Improve workforce tractableness * Tends to improve quality * Consistent with employability Disadvantages * Subjective measurement of competency * Skill-based pay plans are expensive 4. ) Performance-Based Rewards Here are some of the most popular individual, group and organizational performance-based rewards * Individual Rewards * Bonuses- many employees receive individual premiumes for accomplishing a specific task or exceeding annual performance goals. Commissions- real estate agents and some other salespeople typically earn commissions in which their pay increases with sales volume. * Piece rate systems reward employees based on the number of units produced. * Team Rewards * Bonuses- employees earn a bonus based on how well their store meets or exceeds specific financial goals. * Gainsharing Plans- a reward system in which team members earn bonuses for reducing costs and increasing labor efficiency in their work process. * Organizational Rewards Employee entrepot Ownership Plans (ESOPs) a reward system that encourages employees to buy stock in the company. * Stock Options- a reward system that gives employees the right to purchase company stock at a future date at a predetermined price. * Profit-sharing Plans- a reward system that pays bonuses to employees based on the previous years level of corporate profits. * Balanced Scorecard (BSC) a reward system that pays bonuses for meliorate results on a composite of financial, customer, internal process and employee factors.
Tuesday, May 21, 2019
Ascariasis and Trichuriasis
- OBJECTIVES I. Objectives Within our 3 weeks clinical exposure at San Pedro Hospital at St. Lukes Ward, we, the proponents of San Pedro Col phasee, BSN 3E, sort3, subgroup2, go forth be fit to present a comprehensive breast feeding drive analysis regarding the case of our diligent who arrive a Bronchopneumonia in which we canful gain to a greater extent knowledge to understand further our knobs condition. In order to achieve the general objective stipulated above, this case analysis aims to a.Present a rationale discussing the rotation, unhurrieds medical status, statistics which include the international, national and local statistics about the case and its cargon for implications b. assess enduring role in a cephalocaudal manner c. obtain genuine information regarding patients data base including the biographical data, clinical data, family wellness tarradiddle, past health history, and history of present illness d. construct a family genogram to trace the family hi story that will show us the health status, he cherryitary diseases, and the present condition of the knob and his family e. ite at least 2 definitions of the diagnosis from the hold in and 1 from the internet source f. discuss the specific medical management including medicine studies and diagnostics according to the condition of the patient g. explain the link up treat theory that can apply to the situation of the patient h. formulate one (1) treat c are plan applicable to the patient i. compose a comprehensive discharged plan following METHOD. j. list wholly sources and references used in the making of this case study. - - INTRODUCTIONII. Introduction Oxygenation concept covers the study of different concepts on oxygenation and the nursing care for customers having problems and alterations from the normal process of oxygenation. Oxygenation is the dynamic interaction of gases in the consistency for the purpose of delivering adequate oxygen essential for carrellular. Th e systems questd in this concept are the respiratory, cardiovascular and hematologic systems. This concept functions to support the different clients in the clinical go underting by providing nursing care, providing health teachings, and helping them domicileore their bodys normal functioning.The group has been clinically exposed in St. Lukes Ward were we encounte rose-cheeked our client N. A , a 6 year old female who was admitted due to fever under the service of Dr. R. Mata on Room 443-2 who has Bronchopneumonia. The group then decided to make him our main subject in our case analysis for the source that his condition was perfectly related to our oxygenation rotation and in addition its be spryed organ is the respiratory system while its affected organ is the lungs.We have chosen her as our patient for our case analysis be go of our desire to gain more knowledge and understanding(a) of the disease and the condition in which our patient is experiencing. Bronchopneumonia is an acute innervation of the lungs and bronchioles, characterized by chills, fever, high pulse and respiratory rates, bronchial breathing, cough with purulent bloody sputum, sever boob pain, and abdominal distension.The disease is usually a dissolvent of the spread of transmitting from the upper to the trim down respiratory tract, most super C sufficed by the bacterium Mycoplasma pneumoniae, Staphylococcus pyogenes, or Streptococcus pneumoniae( Mosby,2010) For international statistics according to orb health organization children under 5 years of age they have 613,600 cases with 2,044 number of childhood deaths in the year 2004 ( Retrieved from http//whqlibdoc. who. int/publications/2006/9280640489_eng. df ) bit for its national statistics according to discussion section of health for the age 5-9 years old they got 244 cases of pneumonia for girls and 287 cases for boys with a total of 531 cases for both sexes While for the local statistics according to De activatement of H ealth they have 174 cases for every hund ruby thousand children with the incidence rate of 253. 16 for the year 2007 only in Davao city. This case study would contribute a lot on the quality of nursing education, practice, and research. First, to nursing education, this case study would keep the group equipped with knowledge, skills, and attitudes on ow to manage future patients with Bronchopneumonia it then nourishes those slightons learned in the scope of our concepts. To the nursing practice, this case study would help those who are practicing their professions as nurses, student nurses and different people who are medically inclined by being able to make better their nursing management and intervention to patients who had Bronchopneumonia. In application, those learned from our lectures can be related more to an actual state thus having a higher understanding, as to make better our skills and thinking.This case is facilitative to nursing research, because all data that we ha ve gathered will help us in understanding the disease process of the patient. This would overly help the group identifying the primary needs and health problems that would arise thus it will help researchers that will encounter the same problem in the future. The group hopes that in the future technology can give the patients a more reliable give-and- trail in an affordable and easy way for the patient. - DEFINITION OF diagnosis BRONCHOPNEUMONIA/ CAP MR Bronchoneumonia can be a primary illness (often called community acquired pneumonia or CAP) or can develop as a k nontiness of an new(prenominal) respiratory infection or underlying illness. The causes of pneumonia in children vary depending on the season and the childs age and health status. Pneumonia most probable develops when the body is unable to defend against infectious agents, which could be viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, fungi, chemicals, remote substances, or various some other organisms or materials. It is excessiv ely that not all inflammation of the lung is infection in origin. It could be caused by aspiration of foreign substances. inception Bowden, V. , Greenberg, C. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures Second Edition. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. * Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) Occurs all in the community setting or deep down 48 hours of infirmaryization. The agents that most oft cause CAP requiring hospitalization are Streptococcus pneumoniae, H. influenza, Legionella, Pseudomonas aeroginosa and other gram negative rods Source Bare, B. , Cheever, K. , Hinkle, J. , Smeltzer, S. (2009). B get goingner and Suddarths Textbook of medical examination Surgical Nursing 12th edition. Lippincott Williams Wilkins Moderate take a chance community acquired pneumonia manifests vital signs that are not in spite of appearance normal range, having symptoms of tachypnea, tachycardia and fever. It can have x-ray findings of multi-lobar involvement, proficiency of lesion to 50% within 24 hou rs, abscess and pleural effusion. It is suspected to be prone for aspiration. It can be associated with extrapulmonary findings of sepsis and unstable comorbid condition. Source http//www. slideshare. net/crisbertc/pneumonia-4775641 ASCARIS LUMBRICOIDES * genus Ascaris Lumbricoides is as well as known as the giant in interrogationinal turgidworm. Adult roundworms live in the small in block outines.Fertilized and unfertilized eggs develop in the soil into embryonated stage which is the morbific stage. Soil is commonly contaminated in areas where there are no sanitary toilet facilities or where human feces is used as fertiliser in vegetable garderns. Source Maglaya,A .. et. al. (2009). Argonauta Corporation. Marikina City, Philippines * Ascaris Lumbricoides is a genus of nematode worms large parasitic intestinal roundworms put together throughout temperate and tropic regions. Source Mosbys hammock Dictionary. (2010). Elsevier. Singapore. * Ascaris lumbricoides, giant roundworm, i s the most common parasitic worm in humans.According to round estimates 25 % of humans are infected with the disease, ascariasis. Ascariasis occurs worldwide, generally in tropical and subtropical countries. It has highest prevalence in areas of poor sanitation and where human feces are used as fertilizer. Sourcehttp//www. parasitesinhumans. org/ascaris-lumbricoides-giant-roundworm. html TRICHURIS TRICHIURA * Trichuris Trichiura is also known as the whipworm because the anterior end is highly attenuated and the posterior end is thicker and more fleshy. It is another common intestinal worm and is usually found together with ascaris. Source Maglaya,A .. et. al. (2009). Argonauta Corporation. Marikina City, Philippines * Trichuris Trichiura is a species of whipworms, commonly found in fervid,moist regions of the world. Ingestion of whipworm eggs impressions in infection in humans the parasits live in the main in cecum or large intestine. Source Mosbys Pocket Dictionary. (2010). El sevier. Singapore. * Trichuris trichiura is a nematode (roundworm) also called the human whipworm. The third most common round worm of humans. Occurs worldwide, with infections more frequent in areas with tropical weather and poor sanitation practices, and among children.It is estimated that 800 million people are infected worldwide. Trichuriasis(infection with Trichuris trichiura) occurs in the southern get together States. Source http//www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=12961 - PHYSICAL ASSESSMENT A. Physical pass judgmentment Date and time of assessment September 21,2012, 9 a. m. * GENERAL go off N. A. , six years old, female has a mesomorphic body structure and she weighs 15 kilograms. She is wearing a clean hospital gown. Her hair was b miss in color and is unkempt. She has a chocolate- chocolate-brown-complexion.Upon interview with the watcher, the patient is alert and oriented and in an appropriate mood. * VITAL SIGNS VITAL SIGNS RESULT NORMAL VALUES Bloo d air pressure 90/60mmHg 87/48 117/64 mmHg Temperature 35. 8 C 35. 6 37. 5 C Cardiac Rate 110 bpm 60 snow bpm Pulse Rate 102 bpm 60 100 bpm Respiratory Rate 30 cpm 20 25 cpm I. SKIN, HAIR, NAILS The patient has a brown complexion and is generally uniform in color. The skin is dry, rough to touch and with fair skin turgor. The bodys temperature is uniform all throughout the body and is within the normal range (36-37 C). no lesions, edema or ulcerations noted.Hair is black in color and in normal distribution. Texture is brittle. Infestations noted such as dandruff and lice. Body hair is variable in amount. The fingerplate has a convex curvature with an angle of 160. Nail acknowledges are pinkish reflecting a good circulation. carapace surrounding the nail is intact. After performing the blanch test of capillary refill, there is a prompt return of usual color in 3 seconds. II. HEENT * HEAD The patients head is normocephalic. Facial features are symmetrical, palpebral fissure s equal in size and symmetrical nasolabial folds. Muscle strength of jaw is normal. * EYESEyebrows are every bit distributed and symmetrically aligned. The skin is intact and dejections are equal. Eyelashes are equally distributed and slightly curled outward. No lesions or discoloration noted on both eyes. sclerotic coat is clear. The palpebral conjunctiva is swimming and pale. The pupils are black in color, equal in size of about 2mm in diameter, round and have a smooth border. The iris appears brown in color. * EARS The ears have the same color as that of facial skin, symmetrical and aligned with the outer canthus of the eye. It is mobile and not tender. However, the texture is dry. Normal articulation tones are audible.No discharges noted. * NOSE External nose is uniform in color and no discharge noted. The nasal mucosa is pink in color. The nasal septum is intact and in midline. * MOUTH AND OROPHARYNX The lips are pinkish and moist and has symmetrical contour. The tongue i s in midline without both lesions present. There were twelve upper teeth and ten lower teeth present. Two upper molars have been extracted and one lower molar has cavity. The gums are pink. The oral mucosa has a uniform pink color and moist. challenging and soft palate are pinkish in color. Gag reflex is present. III. NECK Neck muscles are equal in size.Head movements are coordinated and smooth with no discomforts. Trachea is centrally placed in midline of neck and spaces are equal on both sides. The thyroid gland is not seeable upon inspection. IV. BACK The skin is uniform in color. No lesions, areas of tenderness, redness or abrasions noted. V. ANTERIOR THORAX AND LUNGS Upon inspection, difficulty of breathing/ tachypnea was observed. The patient used accessory muscles such as shoulders and the abdominal muscles to assist in breathing. Crackles where heard on both lung fields upon auscultation. Pleural friction rub is also present. Chest skin turgor is good. VI. groundwork THO RAX AND LUNGSThe anteroposterior diameter of the chest has a ratio of 12. The skin is intact, temperature is uniform, chest wall is intact and no masses or tenderness noted. Upon palpation,tactile fremitus is change magnitude when patient is asked to say, 1,2,3. VII. CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM No pulsations, lifts, or heaves noted on aortic, pulmonic, triscupid and apical areas noted upon inspection. Normal cardiac sounds heard upon auscultation (S1 and S2). Peripheral pulses have full pulsations with symmetrical pulse volumes. Peripheral leg veins are symmetric in size. Limbs are not tender. Capillary refill time of 3 seconds was recorded.VIII. stomach The skin color is uniform. No lesions, masses or tenderness noted. Audible bowel sounds of 5-10 sounds per minute. IX. EXTREMITIES No nodules or deformities observed on shoulders, arms and elbows. Forearms can be flexed, extended, or put to supine and prone position. Contractures, redness, bone enlargements, nodules, atrophy and tremors were not observed. Fingerplates are of convex curvature and nail beds are pinkish. No pain or tenderness, deformities on hip joints and thigh. A visible scar on right calf is present and measures 2. 5 inches. Lesions, edema, inflammation and deformities are absent.NEUROLOGIC ASSESSMENT * Mental placement * Language Client can talk and is able to express him self by speech and gestures. She can articulate clearly. * Orientation The client was able to recognize other persons such as her relatives, nurses on duty and his physician. She is oriented of the time of the twenty-four hour period and was aware of where she is at the present number. * Memory The client was able to recall the meal she had for breakfast. She also remembered any(prenominal) of the hospital personnel that were assigned to her. * Attention span and calculation The patient has a short attention span as she is slowly distracted by her surroundings.Her aptitude to calculate was done through giving simple arith metic questions (addition and multiplication). Her answers are correct. CRANIAL NERVES Cranial Nerve lineament Function Assessment Olfactory sensational smell We covered the clients eyes and she was able to identify the smell of milk and peanuts. Optic Sensory Vision and Visual Fields The patient does not know how to read but sees clearly the prints on the paper given to her. Oculomotor locomote EOM, movement of sphincter of pupil, movement of ciliary muscle of the lens The patient was able to see through the 6 extraocular movements.The pupil size was 2mm at both left-hand(a) and right eye, was b risk of exposurely reactive to light and accommodation. It constricts and dilate in response to light. Trochlear Motor EOM, specifically moves eyeball downward laterally The patient was able to move her eyes from left to right and right to left without moving her neck. Trigeminal Sensory Motor Sensation of cornea, skin of face and nasal mucosa When the patient clenched her jaw, h er temporal and masseter muscles matte up equally strong. Jaw movement was normal. The patient blinked as the wisp of cotton touched the lateral sclera of the eye.She also felt the cotton as it touched her left and right cheeks. Abducens Motor EOM, specifically, moves eyeballs laterally The patient as able to rotate her eyes in a circular manner from top to left to bottom and to right and back to top as instructed. Facial Sensory Motor Facial expression, taste (anterior two-thirds of the tongue) The patient has symmetrical facial features when instructed to smile, frown, close eyes and puff cheeks. Vestibulocochlear Sensory Hearing balance The patient was able to hear the student nurses properly during normal voice conversation. Glossopharyngeal Sensory Motor Swallowing ability, tongue movement Gag reflex was present by touching the posterior part of the using using a tongue depressor. Vagus Sensory Motor Swallowing, vocal sord movement The student nurses asked the patient to open her mouth widely and observed during inspection that the palate and uvula rises in the midline as patient says ahh. Accessory Motor Head movement, shrugging of shoulders The patient was able to move his head to her left and right against the hand as a resistance and has equal strength.She was able to move her head up and down freely. Her sternocleidomastoid and trapezius muscles were equal in size upon inspection and palpation. Hypoglossal Motor Protrusion of tongue from side to side, up down The patient was able to move her tongue to his left and right, up and down and was able to protrude her tongue. - - - report - TAKING PERSONAL DATA Name N. A Age 6 years old Gender femaleHome Address Davao City Birth date January 16, 2006 Nationality Filipino Religion Christian Civil Status Child CLINICAL DATA Hospital Institution San Pedro Hospital Ward St. Lukes Ward Room and buttocks no 443-2 Date Admitted August 19, 2012 Time Admitted 100am How admitted Per ambulatory Chief Co mplaint Fever Attending Physician Dr. Richard Mata Family Health History In the maternal(p) side of our client, both of the grandparents of N. A died, her grandmother M. B. died at the age of 62 because of myoma, she had a history of asthma, while its grandfather died for unknown reason also had asthma.The couple was felicitous with 7 children including the mother of our client Amy and Aladin who also has a history of asthma, their siblings Archie and Arnold both have asthma and fond of smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. While Ariel died at the age of 35 and also had asthma. For the paternal side, the grandmother of our client had a history of asthma while its grandfather has TB and fond of smoking. They were blessed with 5 children including the father of our client R. A who also likes to drink and smoke, his sister M.A died at the age of 7 because it drowned on the beach, while its brother aldrin had a history of asthma and was also a smoker and drinker, their brother Ren ante died at the age of 26 due to stab wound and was a smoker and drinker before. Our client N. A was used to be asthmatic as well as its brother J. A - - GENOGRAM Past Health History According to the mother of our client when she was pregnant for our client she always go to their barangay for prenatal check up, she said she gave birth of N.A at the age of 16 in full term at their house here in Davao City with the help of her trusted midwife in a normal spontaneous vaginal delivery, she said that she first sight a blood in her underpants and started to feel pain following a ruptured bag of water after an hour, she said that she labored not less than 8 hours. The mother of our client also shared that during the childhood days of her lady friend it had chicken pox, tonsillitis, sore eyes and asthma when she it was 2 years old, her mother also stated that her daughter N.A completed her immunizations such as BCG, DPT, OPV, Measles, HIV, and Hepa B. Per interview to the mother, she str esses that her daughter had her first hospitalization when she was just months and was admitted at Regional now called SPMC due to dissipation and puke, but then after 5 days of admission, the Doctor had given the family a list of medications but forget their names , the mother shared that the moment they got home after 5 days the mother of our client noticed a stainless earrings in her daughters feces, When our client N.A was 3 or 4 years of age she was then again admitted at San Pedro Hospital under the service of Dr. Lubo in due to swelling of its right lower extremity , according to the parents their daughter underwent a minor surgery just enough to remove the bacteria or some kind of microorganism present. They describe the leg of their daughter with a redness surrounding its puss unfortunately they cannot remember whats the case was but they shared that during that admission N.A was also diagnosed with Pneumonia with the used of chest roentgenogram, its third hospitalizatio n was the present. Our client has no allergy to any kind of food nor medications, according to N. As mother her daughter stop breastfeeding when she was 2 while according to its father his daughter was a picky eater in terms of vegetables, he said she could only count the number of vegetables her daughter ate, according to our client she prefer pork, fish or fruits than vegetables.Per interview to our client she said she eliminates once a day, and urinates at least 2-3 times per day and sometimes urinates when asleep. N. A also shared to us that she usually sleeps after watching Lorenzos Time and wakes up at 6 am to prepare for school, she was a kinder student in one of the project hope here in Davao City, according to her she had lots of friends in school and they usually play, hide and seek, Dampa, Chinese admirer and the like. Present Health History Our client N.A had an on and off fever for 4 days, her mother gives their trusted paracetamol neo-kiddielets yet they decided to ad mit their daughter start September 19, 2012 at 100 am under the service of Dr. Mata on room 443-2, he was then ordered to have CBC,Urinalysis , CXR and fecalysis. The result of CXR indicates that our client has bronchial pneumonia and was also positive of ascaris and trichuris, he was given medications and one of them is antiox to get rid of the parasite inside our patient. -MANAGEMENT Radiologic Findings Procedure rule Impression Nursing Responsibilities X-ray of the chest and abdomen Test done to visualize the internal structures using the x-ray Hazy infiltrates seen in the inner lung zones. Heart and great vessels are not unusual. Diaphragm and costophrenic sulci are intact. The rest of the included structures are unremarkable. Bronchopneumonia * Let the patient wear the prescribed hospital gown * Remove other garments and other accessories * Transport patient to the X-ray room. Provide safety and privacy Hematology Complete Blood Count set ups a fairly complete evaluation of all formed elements in blood. It can supply a great deal of the information necessary to diagnose a hematologic disorder, help to identify disease states not directly related to hematopoietic system, and help to evaluate the stages and prognosis of certain diseases. It helps to learn the abnormality of the component of the blood that shows underlying diseases in the patient condition before performing a surgery or operation.Date Component Rationale Results Clinical Significance Interventions SEPTEMBER19,2012 Hemoglobinmale 140-180g/dlfemale 120-160g/dl Hemoglobin is a protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. A blood test can tell how much haemoglobin you have in your blood and determine the ectent of Anemia. 110g/dl rarified valuePolcythemia, DehydrationDecreased valueMany cancers, Hodgkins disease, Lymphosarcoma, Anemia, and malutrition and as a side effect of chemotherapy Pretest Patient Care for CBC, Hemogram * -Explain to the patient or watcher the procedure, process and purpose of the test to be done. Inform them that the test requires a blood sample and slight discomfort whitethorn be felt when skin is deflated. * * Avoid stress if contingent because altered physiologic status influences and changes normal hemogram values. * Select hemogram components ordered at regular intervals. These should be drawn consistently at the same time of day for reasons of accurate comparison natural body rhythms cause fluctuations in laboratory values at certain times of the day-Dehydration or overhydration can dramatically alter.The heraldic bearing of either of these states should be communicated to the laboratory. -Fasting is not necessary. However, fat-laden meals whitethorn alter some tests results as a result of lipidemia. Intra-Inform the patient that venous blood is to be collected-Venipuncture should be performed in an aseptic technique as well as the collection of sample. Posttest Patient Aftercare for Hemogram, CBC-Apply manual pressure and dress ings to the puncture site on removal of the needle. - superintend the puncture site for inflammations or hematoma formation.Maintain pressure dressings on the site if necessary. Notify physician of unusual problems with bleeding. -Resume normal activities and diet. -Bruising at the puncture site is common. Signs of inflammation are unusual and should be reported if the inflamed area Erythrocytesmale 4. 5-5. 0female 4. 0-5. 0x1012/L The number of red blood cells per cubic millimeter of blood. erythrocyte indices,n. pr the measuring values of red blood cell numbers, morphologic characteristics, and behavior in comprehensive hematologic laboratory testing. 4. 3 x1012/L Decrease in value means hemorrhage, hemolysis anemias, cancer, over dehydrationIncrease in value meas polycythemia, dehydration, living at high altitude MCHMean Corpuscular Hemoglobin27 33picograms/cell is the average mass of hemoglobin per red blood cell in a sample of blood. It is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. 26. 0picograms/cell MCH less than lower reverberate of normal hypochromic anemia MCH within normal range normochromic anemia MCH greater than upper limit normal hyperchromic anemia MCVMean Corpuscular Volume80 96femtoliter is a measure of the average red blood ell volume that is reported as part of a standard complete blood count. 80Femtoliter MCV less than lower limit of normal microcytic anemia MCV within normal range normocytic anemia MCV greater than upper limit of normal macrocytic anemia MCHCMean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration32 to 36 grams/ deciliter The MCHC is a measure of the concentration of hemoglobin within a red blood cell. This measurement is useful in evaluating the clinical response of an anemic patient to therapy. 32. 6grams/deciliter Decreased microcytic anemia ontogenesis hereditary spherocytosis Leukocytes(5. -10. 0x109/L) A useful guide in determining the severity of disease process. It will identify certain persons with increase susceptibility to infection through measuring total amount of WBC in the body 3. 7 x109/L Elevated Values. An increase in the number of circulating leukocytes is rarely due to an increase in all five founts of leukocytes. When this occurs, it is most often due to dehydration and hemoconcentration. In some diseases, such as measles, pertussis and sepsis, the increase in whiteness blood cells is so dramatic that the picture resembles leukemia.Decreased ValuesAplastic anemia, bone sum of money depression, pernicious anemia, some infectious or parasitic disease Neutrophils(0. 55-0. 65%) Neutrophils are produced in huge numbers in response to infection, trauma, infarction (cell death due to lack of blood supply), emotional distress or other stimuli. They cruise around the blood stream waiting to be called to a site where damage is happening. formerly there, they kill the invading bacteria and other noxious substances, usually dying in the process themselves. The method the y use to kill invaders is called phagocytosis which involves engulfing and digesting the enemy cell. 0. 48 % Elevated ValuesElevated in bacterial infection, Hodgkins disease, Decreased ValuesDecreased in Leukemia and malnutrition and as a side effect of hemotherapy, Infection, drug reaction, autoimmune neutropenia, maternal antibody production, aplastic anemia. Lymphocytes(0. 25-0. 40%) Lymphocytes consist of the B cells and T cells. The B cells make antibodies and the T cells regulate the immune response. Lymphocytes secrete products (lymphokines) that modulate the functional activities of many other types of cells and are often present at sites of chronicinflammation. 0. 41 % Elevated ValuesElevated in lymphocytic leukemia, Hodgkins disease, multiple myeloma, viral infections, and chronic infections, cytomegalovirus infection, petussis, brucellosis, tuberculosis, syphilis. Decreased ValuesDecreased in malnutrition, cancer, and other leukemias and as asdie effect of chemotherapy . Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection, Miliary Tuberculosis, Renal failure, Terminal Cancer Monocytes(0. 02-0. 06%) Monocyte is a type of white blood cell, part of the human bodys immune system.Monocytes have several roles in the immune system and this includes (1) replenish resident macrophages and dendritic cells under normal states, and (2) in response to inflammation signals 0. 09 %(High) Elevated ValuesElevated in Acute infection, monocytic leukemia and cancer. , chronic myeloid leukemia, acute monocytic leukemia, myelomonocytic leukemia, lupus erythematosus, polyarteritisnodosa, rheumatoid arthritis Eosinophils(0. 01-0. 05%) Eosinophils contain toxic substances that kill foreign cells in the blood. An absolute eosinophil count is a blood test that measures the number of white blood cells called eosinophils.Eosinophils become active when you have certain supersensitive diseases, infections, and other medical conditions. 0. 01% Elevated ValuesElevated in cancer of bone, ovary, testes and brain. Skin diseases, trichonosis, Scarlet fever, Chronicmyelogenous leukemia, Myeloproliferative diseases. Decreased ValuesAllergies, Pyogenic infection, Shock, Postsurgical response Basophils(0. 000-0. 005%) A type of white blood cell in the circulation which is characterized by its ability to uptake certain dyes when stained for examination under the microscope (basophils appear blue).Basophils play a part in the allergic response as they have IgE on their surface, and release chemical mediators causing allergic symptoms when the IgE binds to its specific allergen. 0. 01 % Elevated Values Elevated in leukemia and healing stage of infecion. Hypersensitivity reactions, ulcerative colitis, chronic hemolytic anemia, Hodgkins disease, myxedema, chronic myelogenous leukemia, polycythemia veraDecreased ValuesHyperthyroidism, Pregnancy, Stress, Cushing syndrome Hematocrit(0. 40-0. 48%) Hematocrit is a blood test that measures the percentage of the volume of whole blood that is made up of red blood cells.This measurement depends on the number of red blood cells and the size of red blood cells. 0. 34%(Low) a danger sign of an change magnitude risk of dengue shock syndrome. Polycythemia vera (PV) is associated with elevated hematocrit. PV is a myeloproliferative disorder in which the bone marrow produces excessive numbers of red cells, and reflects excessive numbers of RBC precursors in the bone marrow, as well as some abnormal forms. This condition is called erythroid hyperplasia. Lowered hematocrit can imply significant hemorrhage. Thrombocyte(150-300 x109/L) Thrombocytes are important for normal blood clotting.If there are not enough thrombocytes, the risk of uncontrolled or prolonged bleeding increases. When there are too many thrombocytes in the blood, abnormal blood clot formation, a serious and stark condition, can occur. Looking at the numbers, size, and health of thrombocytes is a part of a Complete Blood Count (CBC) test. 27610 9/L Increased valuesIncreased in malignancy, myeloproliferative disease, rheumatoid arthritis, and post operatively about 50% of pt. with unexpected increase of platelet count will be found to have a malignancy.Decreased values thrombocytopenic purpura, acute leukemia, aplastic anemia, and during cancer chemotherapy. Urinalysis The urinalysis is used as a screening and/or diagnostic tool because it can help detect substances or cellular material in the pee associated with different metabolic and urinary tract and kidney disorders. Date Component Definition &Normal range Rationale Result Interpretation &Significance Nursing Responsibilities SEPTEMBER19,2012 Color Mainly a result of the presence of the pigment urochrome, (produced through endogenous metabolic processes).N Light yellow to amber The urinalysis is a routine screening test which is usually done as a part of a physical examination, during preoperative testing, and upon hospital admission. The results of UA are used to diagnose, treat, and provide follow-up for a variety of conditions, such as infections of the kidneys and urinary tract and also in the diagnosis of diseases unrelated to the urinary system. Light Yellow A red or red-brown (abnormal) color could be from a food dye, take fresh beets, a drug, or the presence of either hemoglobin or myoglobin.If the sample contained PRE-PROCEDURE * Explain to the patient the purpose of the routine urinalysis and the need for a weewee sample to be obtained. No sobriety is required prior to the test. Appearance/Turbidity Generally refers to the clarity of the urine sample. N Clear to slightly hazy Clear Turbidity or cloudiness whitethorn be caused by excessive cellular material or protein in the urine or may develop from crystallization or temerity of salts upon standing at room temperature or in the refrigerator.Clearing of the specimen after addition of a small amount of acid indicates that precipitation of salts is the probable cause of tur bidity. INTRA-PROCEDURE * Testing the first morning urine specimen, when the urine is concentrated, is preferred. * A minimum sample of 15 mL of urine is required. * A clean-catch midstream technique to obtain the urine sample is recommended to prevent contamination of the specimen. * Give instructions to the client on how to catch urine. * Instruct patients to eliminate touching the inside of the specimen container and lid. For the portions of the urinalysis which involve use of dipstick testing, a reagent strip is dipped into the urine specimen. After a period of time specified by the manufacturer of the dipstick, the color of the reagent pad is compared with a color chart provided by the manufacturer. * Gloves are worn throughout the procedure. POST-PROCEDURE * Label the urine specimen and transport it to the laboratory immediately. The urine needs to be examined within 2 hours. * If urine is collected via an indwelling urinary catheter, a syringe and needle is used. Remove the needle prior to transferring the urine to the specimen cup to avoid damage to any microscopic sediment which may be present. Report abnormal findings to the primary care provider. Specific Gravity Indication of the kidneys ability to reabsorb water and chemicals from the glomerular filtrate. N 1. 010 1. 025 1. 005 If it is below 1. 003 after a 12 hour period without food or water, renal concentrating ability is afflicted and the patient either has generalized renal impairment or nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. In end-stage renal disease.Having over 1. 035 is either contaminated, contains very high levels of glucose, or the patient may have recently received high density radiopaque dyes intravenously for radiographic studies or low molecular weight dextran solutions Glucose Glucose is virtually absent from the urine. less(prenominal) than 0. 1% of glucose normally filtered by the glomerulus appears in urine ( 100 mg/24 hr). N 0-100mg/dL (-)Negative Presence or Excess sugar in urine means, Glycosuria, generally means diabetes mellitus. Protein Urine normally contains only a scant amount of rotein, which derives from both the blood and the urinary tract itself. N 0-30mg/dL (-)negative Trace positive results (which represent a slightly hazy appearance in urine) are equivalent to 10 mg/100 ml or about 150 mg/24 hours (the upper limit of normal). 1+ corresponds to about 200-500 mg/24 hours, a 2+ to 0. 5-1. 5 gm/24 hours, a 3+ to 2-5 gm/24 hours, and a 4+ represents 7 gm/24 hours or greater. More than 150 mg/day is delineate as proteinuria. Proteinuria 3. 5 gm/24 hours is severe and known as nephrotic syndrome. WBC Usually, the WBCs are granulocytes. White cells from the vagina, especially in the presence of vaginal and cervical infections, or the external urethral meatus in men and women may contaminate the urine. N 0- 17 / UL 3 Pyuria occurs if the presence of leukocytes is abnormal or increased which may appear with infection in either the upper o r lower urinary tract or with acute glomerulonephritis. RBC finding of red blood cells in the urine (hematuria) is considered abnormalN0- 11 / UL 1 RBC in urine is slightly higher than normal.Significantly high RBC number in urine may point to acute tubular necrosis, benign familial hematuria, calculi, hemophilia, hemorrhagic cystitis, pyelonephritis, renal trauma, renal tuberculosis, renal tumor, or UTI. Epithelial Cells Renal tubular epithelial cells, usually larger than granulocytes, contain a large round or oval nucleus and normally slough into the urine in small numbersN 0- 17/UL 5 If the number sloughed is increased nephrotic syndrome and in conditions leading to tubular degeneration, Cast Urinary casts are formed only in the distal convoluted tubule (DCT) or the collecting duct (distal nephron).The proximal convoluted tubule (PCT) and loop of Henle are not locations for cast formation. Hyaline casts are composed primarily of a mucoprotein (Tamm-Horsfall protein) sec reted by tubule cells. N 0-1/ UL 0 Presence of protein cast formation is often caused by low flow rate, high salt concentration, and low pH, all of which favor protein denaturation and precipitation. blood cell cast are indicative of glomerulonephritis, with leakage of RBCs from glomeruli, or severe tubular damage.White blood cell casts are most typical for acute pyelonephritis, but they may also be present with glomerulonephritis. Their presence indicates inflammation of the kidney, because such casts will not form except in the kidney. Bacteria Bacteria are common in urine specimens because of the abundant normal microbial flora of the vagina or external urethral meatus and because of their ability to rapidly multiply in urine standing at room temperature. Therefore, microbial organisms found in all but the most scrupulously collected urines should be interpreted in view of clinical symptoms.N 0- 278/ UL 3 More than 278/ UL of one organism reflects significant bacteriuria. Mu ltiple organisms reflect contamination. STOOL ANALYSIS It is the evaluation of the characteristics of the clean catch fecal specimen. The physical characteristics as well as the contents of the feces are evaluated for the presence of gastrointestinal abnormalities such as infections. SEPTEMBER19,2012 Color Brown Consistency Coarse Unusualities in the lay down consistencies may indicate GI abnormalities such as malabsorption and infection.Coarseness or excessive dryness may result from poor hydration status or presence of parasites in the dope. Parasite ova Trichuris TrichiuraAscaris Lumbricoides Presence of ova in the stool indicates positive parasitic infection in the gastrointestinal system Pus Cells 2-4/hpp Pus production is an indicator of GIT infection as a defense mechanism activated by the immune system Medical Order Order Rationale 9/19/12115am Please admit under the service of Dr. R.Mata (PC) Secure consent for admission & mgt Diagnostics-CBC c PC-U/A-CXR APCThe rapeuticsCefuroxime (100_ 500mg IVTT q 8 hours (ANST)Paracetamol 250mg/5ml, 3ml q 4 hours RTCSalbutamol neb, I neb q 6 hrsDAT c SAPIVF D5IMB 500cc to run 55 cc/hr encourage pt to increase oral fluid intakeTSB for feverVS q 4 hrs & record plsI & O q shift, recordwill inform AP of this admissionrefer PRN, thanks Cont. meds & ebulizationfill up official CXR result 8amFecalysis3pm(+)LBM X 3Erceflora I vial BID Increase rate of IV to 60cc/hr9. 20pm(+) trushing(+) ascarisStool examstat mebendazole (antiox) 50g/ml ,10ml on single venereal disease9/20/128amcont. meds(-) fever3pm Afebrile cont. medsrefer for unusualities9/21/128am(-) fevercont. meds -To be able to withstand the patients needs for optimum health care and to be able to refer any unusualities immediately and to continue patient monitoring. This consent legalizes the toleration and trust of the client to the health practitioner. With this laboratory test, the patients condition will be determined. These medicines have dif ferent action thereby treating the clients symptoms manifested by the client from her present condition-Maintain healthy diet within normal range and since the patient can tolerate any food he desires that is nutritious. hard-and-fast aspiration precaution since the patient was a child should be carefull and prevent aspiration-Is a hypertonic solution , for slow administration essential to prevent soak (100ml/hr)- To prevent dehydration-To help relieve fever- To obtain baseline data of VS and monitor condition of patient until stable. These measures excessive loss or retention of water in the body. These medicines have different action thereby treating the clients symptoms manifested by the client from her present condition. to analyze the condition of a persons digestive tract in general -To Promote normalization of intestinal flora. -Besides of becoming asource of nutrition it also help replace the water loss by patient due to LBM-An antihelmintics , treatment of parasites pre sent in the patient- These medicines have different action thereby treating the clients symptoms manifested by the client from her present condition.These medicines have different action thereby treating the clients symptoms manifested by the client from her present condition. For the physician to be informed immediately, facilitating attendance of the unusuality at hand- These medicines have different action thereby treating the clients symptoms manifested by the client from her present condition. - - -DRUG STUDY GENERIC NAME Acetaminophen BRAND NAME paracetamol categorization Antipyretics, Non opiod analgesic MODE OF ACTION Inhibits the subtraction of prostaglandins that may serve as mediators of pain fever, primarily in the central nervous system. Has no significant anti-inflammatory properties or GI toxicity. THERAPEUTIC EFFECTS Analgesia. Antipyresis. tenacious acid 250 mg/ 5 ml, 3ml q 4 (RTC) picture ORDERED 9-19-12 SUGGESTED dit 10-15 mg/kg/dose q 4-6 hr as needed I NDICATIONS Mild pain. Fever.CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in preceding hypersensitivity Products containing alcohol, aspartame, saccharin, sugar, tartrazine (FDC yellow dye 5) should be avoided in patients who have hypersensitivity or intolerance to these compounds. DRUG INTERACTIONSDrug-Drug Chronic high dose acetaminophen may increase risk of bleeding with warfarin. SIDE EFFECTS GI hepatic failure, hepatotoxicity (overdose) GU renal failure (high doses/ chronic use Derm rash, urticaria nursing RESPONSIBILITIES 1. ) Monitor blood studies. 2. ) Monitor liver function studies. 3. Monitor renal function studies. 4. ) Check I O ratio. (decrease output may indicate renal failure) 5. ) Assess for fever pain. 6. ) Assess allergic reaction. 7. ) Assess hepatotoxicity dark urine, clay colored stools, jaundice, itching, abdominal pain. 8. ) Assess for chronic poisoning rapid, weak pulse dyspnea cold extremities 9. ) Give drug with food or milk to decrease gastric symptoms 10. )Tell patient that urine may become dark brown as a result of acetophenetidin (metabolite of acetaminophen) GENERIC NAME Cefuroxime BRAND NAME Ceftin, ZinacefCLASSIFICATION Anti-infectives MODE OF ACTION Bind to bacterial cell wall membrane, causing cell death. ORDERED DOSE 500 g IVTT q 8 ANST (-) DATE ORDERED 9-19-12 SUGGESTED DOSE INDICATIONS Treatment of following infections caused by susceptible organisms respiratory tract infections, bone joint infections, urinary tract infections, meningitis, gynecologic infections, lyme disease, perioperative prophylaxis CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in Hypersensitivity to cephalosporins, Serious hypersensitivity to penicillins. DRUG INTERACTIONSDrug-Drug Probenecid decrease excretion increase blood levels. coincident use of aminoglycosides or loop diuretics may increase risk of nephrotoxicity. SIDE EFFECTS CNS seizures, GI pseudomembranous colitis, diarrhea, cramps, nausea, vomiting DERM rashes, urticaria Local pain at IM site, phlebitis a t IV site Misc anaphylaxis, serum sickness, superinfection NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES 1) Observe ten rights of administering medication 2) Assess for infection. 3) Observe patients for signs of anaphylaxis. (rash, pruritis, laryngeal edema, etc) 4) Monitor Vital signs specially Temperature ) Advise patient to report signs of superinfection allergy. 6) Instruct patient to terminate health care professional if fever diarrhea develop especially if stool contains blood, pus, or mucus, 7) Advise patient not to treat diarrhea without consulting health care professional. 8) Monitor patient for life threatening adverse do, including anaphylaxis, steve-johnson 9) Monitor kidney and liver function test results and intake and output 10) Instruct patient to take drug with food GENERIC NAME Bacillus Clausii BRAND NAME Erceflora CLASSIFICATION antidiarrhealsMODE OF ACTION Contributes to the recovery of the intestinal microbial flora altered during the signifier of microbial disorders of divers e origin. It produces various vitamins, particularly group B vitamins this contributing to correction of vitamin disorders caused by antibiotics chemotherapeutic agents. Promotes normalization of intestinal flora. ORDERED DOSE q 1 vial BID DATE ORDERED 9-19-12 SUGGESTED DOSE Children 2-11 years 1-2 vials of 2billion/5 mL susp INDICATIONS for acute diarrhea with duration of 14 days due to infection drugs or poisons. Chronic or persistent diarrhea with duration of 14 days.CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in not for use in immunocompromised patients (cancer patients on chemotherapy, patients taking immunosuppressant medications) SIDE EFFECTS No known side effect or adverse effect. NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES 1. ) Observe ten rights of administering medication 2. ) evoke Drug well before administration 3. ) Monitor patient for any unusual effects from drug. 4. ) Administer drug within 30 minutes after opening container. 5. ) Dilute drug with sweetened milk. , orange, tea. 6. ) Administe r drug orally. GENERIC NAME mebendazole BRAND NAME VermoxCLASSIFICATION antihelmintics ORDERED DOSE 50g/ml DATE ORDERED 9/19/12 INDICATIONS Treatment of whipworm, pinworm, roundworm, hookworm, infections. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in Hypersensitivity. DRUG INTERACTIONS Drug-Drug Use with potassium-sparing diuretics or ACE inhibitors or angiotensin ll receptor antagonists may lead to hyperkalemia. Anticholinergics may increase GI mucosal lesions in patients taking wax-matrix potassium chloride preparations. SIDE EFFECTS CNS seizures, dizziness, headache GI abdominal pain, diarrhea, increased liver enzymes. Nausea, vomiting Neuro numbnessMisc fever NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Observe ten rights of administering medication 2. Administer with food. 3. Disinfect toilet facilities after patient use. 4. Arrange daily for daily laundry of bed linens, towels, undergarments 5. Assess for temperature, bowel sound output 6. Culture for ova parasites 7. Monitor hematologic and hepatic studies 8. Advise patient to wash hands before and after eating 9. Teach patient to maintain strict hygiene to prevent reinfection 10. Advise patient that dietary restrictions, fasting, and laxatives arent necessary GENERIC NAME albuterolBRAND NAME salbutamol CLASSIFICATION Bronchodilators MODE OF ACTION Binds to beta-adrenergic receptors in airway smooth muscle, leading to activation of adenyl cyclase increased levels of cyclic-3, 5 ORDERED DOSE 1 neb q 6 DATE ORDERED 9-19-12 INDICATIONS Used as bronchodilator to control prevent reversible airway obstruction caused by asthma or COPD. CONTRAINDICATIONS Contraindicated in Hypersensitivity to adrenergic amines Hypersensitivity to fluorocarbons. DRUG INTERACTIONS Drug-Drug Concurrent use with other adrenergic agents will have increase adrenergic side effects.Use with MAO inhibitors may lead to hypertensive crisis. SIDE EFFECTS CNS nervousness, restlessness, tremor, headache, insomnia CV chest pain, palpitations, angina, arrhythmias, hypertension GI nausea, vomiting Neuro tremor NURSING RESPONSIBILITIES 1. ) Observe ten rights of administering medication 2. ) Inform patient that albuterol may cause an unusual or bad taste. 3. ) Advise to rinse mouth with water after each inhalation to minimize dry mouth 4. ) Instruct to give notice health care professional if no response to the usual dose. 5. ) Chest tapping after each nebulization. . ) Position patient on high back rest position 7. ) Advise to consult physician before taking OTC med, natural/ herbal products, or alcohol with this therapy. 8. ) do not give a food immediately it can cause vomiting 9. ) Monitor serum electrolyte levels 10. )Monitor for hypersensitivity reactions and paradoxical bronchospasm. - - - RELATED NURSING THEORY - Florence NightingaleShe stated in her nursing notes that nursing is an act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery , that it involves the nurses initiative to configure environmental settings a ppropriate for the gradual restoration of the patients health, and that external factors associated with the patients surroundings affect life or biologic and physiologic processes, and his development The factors posed great significance during Nightingales time, when health institutions had poor sanitation, and health workers had little education and training and were frequently incompetent and unreliable in attending to the needs of the patients. Also emphasized in her environmental theory is the provision of a quiet or noise-free and warm environment, attending to patients dietary needs by assessment, documentation of time of food intake, and evaluating its effects on the patient.This theory was applicable to our client because of that the disease of our client is related to its environment. Our client has brochopneumonia which can be afflicted with our environment plus a weak immune system which initiates the disease process. Our client was also positive to Ascaris Lumbricoides and Trichuris Trichiura in which we could really tell that they are having a problem in terms of taking care of themselves like paying attention to their personal hygiene and the like in their community,. Environment is such a big factor to use and all other disease process that is done to our client. Environment provides the things that we that may do good or bad to us.Environment is also not always defined by the things around you but also the things that we can provide such as silent and soothing environment which is initially the best type of prevention for us. Know regarding to our client the factors that initiate healing status of our client is that the refer for sanitation it shows that having been infected with ascaris and trichuris is affected by unsanitary environment and other factors such as place of living, lifestyle etc. We must provide a sanitary environment to help boost immune system and ease the way for recovery and also we must initiate a accessary atmosphere t o enhance the capabilities of client to rely to boost self confidence in having good prognosis and having a healthy and not anxious set of mind set. - NURSING CARE PLAN - DISCHARGE - PLAN Medication * Explain to the patient and significant others the reason why the drugs were prescribed by the doctor. Providing fit information about treatment aids patient and family education as well as gains cooperation. * Encourage patient and family not to miss a dose during the whole duration of therapy. It is important to take your medicine exactly as you are told. Medications taken full course give full therapeutic effects to the patient.In addition, this would also prevent the development of antibiotic resistant microorganisms. * Instruct the family to immediately stop medications if adverse reactions occur and refer immediately to the physician. This prevents the occurrence of further improvement of life-threatening adverse reactions. * Advice patients significant others to ask before taking any food or herb supplements, vitamins, or medicine that he/she bought at the store. Some of these may negatively interact with the drugs that are being taken. Exercise * Instruct the family to provide adequate rest and sleep. This aids the patients recovery and helps him regain strength. Tell client to continue deep breathing exercises, also instruct family for the exercise needed. This is to promote good blood circulation and relaxation. * Encourage ambulation and active range of motions. It mobilizes and loosen secretions. Treatment * Encourage the patient to follow the doctors orders It is important to take your medicine and follow instructions exactly as what they are told. * Instruct patient and family to follow-up check-up as indicated by the physician. Follow up check-up can help in monitoring the progress, reassessment, and evaluation of patients condition. * Encourage the family to comply with the treatment regimen for the patient. This helps by improving the recovery rate of the patient. Hygiene * Encourage the patient and significant others to wash hands more often especially when after using the bathroom. To deter spread of microorganisms which cause various illnesses. * Encourage bathing daily. This is to prevent spread of microorganism and promote self esteem. * Instruct the patient to promote good oral hygiene especially after eating. This lessens the occurrence of dental caries. * Encourage patient to incorporate in his utilization the proper way of washing her hands and covering her mouth when coughing. This prevents the spread of microorganisms and further contamination. Out-Patient Advise patient and family to go back to the hospital in a specific date for follow-up check-up after discharge. This enables the physician to reassess and evaluate the health status of the patient. * Consult a doctor if there are any problems or any complications encountered. This calls for immediate action or interventions which may prevent fu rthermore complications. Diet * Diet as tolerated as much as possible. To accept the daily requirements of the body as well as to have an optimum nutritional diet. * Encourage patient to drink 8 glasses of fluids a day. To improve hydration as well as to excrete wastes accordingly. * Encourage to ensure safe water sources or if necessary, boil water for drinking. This is to eliminate the risk of any bacterial or parasitic infection. * Encourage to avoid eating raw foods such as raw meat. If dealing with fresh vegetables, wash it thoroughly with water. This is to avoid microorganisms which could be present that can cause illnesses * Encourage the family to provide nutritious foods such as fruits and vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are rich in essential vitamins and nutrients, which aid in render the optimum nutrition for the patient. - - REFERENCE (s) Reference (s) * Bare, B. , Cheever, K. , Hinkle, J. , Smeltzer, S. (2009).Brunner and Suddarths Textbook of Medical Surgical N ursing 12th edition. Lippincott Williams Wilkins * Bowden, V. , Greenberg, C. (2008). Pediatric Nursing Procedures Second Edition. Lippincott Williams Wilkins. * Maglaya,A .. et. al. (2009). Argonauta Corporation. Marikina City, Philippines * Mosbys Pocket Dictionary. (2010). Elsevier. Singapore. * http//www. slideshare. net/crisbertc/pneumonia-4775641 * http//www. parasitesinhumans. org/ascaris-lumbricoides-giant-roundworm. html * http//www. medterms. com/script/main/art. asp? articlekey=12961 * http//whqlibdoc. who. int/publications/2006/9280640489_eng. pdf * Department of Health * World Health Organization
Monday, May 20, 2019
Pleasure turns Sour – Creative Writing
A epic comely mansion sitting undecomposed up the road of a busy minuscular townsfolk. The outer parts is as beautiful as a paradise and it e actu tout ensembleymans fantasy with a welcoming golden writing hanging on the beautiful light blue w in all. The inner part is as bright as a tunnel with lashings of space. The building was so bright that it light up the whole town.I was on a magic spell with some friends to find an interesting hap to write in our novel.We have travelled from town to town public treasury we came to this town called GRAVE HILL. The lot of Grave hill are very nice people and at that place were loads of things to write about the town and the way they survive on their little fire and how they recognize to make believeher as a family helping each other in time of trouble. They were very welcoming and made us feel appreciated and they also were willing to help us with our adventure and they also promised to show us around the town but because we arrived late they told us to wait till morning. The only trouble we had was accommodation the people never had a big apartment to accommodate us.You discount passing play the wickedness in my AtticSaid the Old LadyAN ATTIC exclaimed Sandra Hell no, How earth-closet I live my big sleeping room all just to come and sleep in an bonce, there is absolutely no way that is going to happen (she whispered).We were not thrilled by the old womans turn so we refuse it. Having being attracted by the golden bright writing A foundation FOR PLEASURE on the front of the big bright mansion that was up the road we ask the people if we chamberpot pass the night there, the people did not hesitate to let us stay there they just told us that if we know that we can stay there alone.YES We shouted excitedly We are going to be attractive alone beside we have sleepovers and we have the whole field of operations to ourselves, so that should not be a problem said Denise.Thrilled and excited about sleeping i n a mansion we couldnt wait to get into the mansion. Having led us to the front of the beautiful and bright mansion the people said good night and went back to their hut.Excitedly we walked around the mansion went in and out of the building we saw a big swimming pool,7 double sized bedroom, a kitchen with loads of food and all the necessary things you need in a kitchen, a king sized living room with a big screen TV kindred the one in the cinema.This is way better than sleeping in some old attic said Clare.I cannot wait to get in that poolsaid DeniseI am so hungry said ClareI can wait to sleep in that big sized bedroom said SandraWhat about you, why are u so quiet? Asked DeniseNothing on like you people Im not so thrilled I just have this bad feeling I saidWhat is it this time? Asked ClareIm just surprised and stupefy thats all I saidAbout what? Asked DeniseI just dont get it, why is a big beautiful mansion like this being neglectful here? Why is a big building like this built in a small town like this? Who lives here? Were are they? Why is there no evidence that someone live here not even a picture or if it was a hotel why is there no receptionist here?I had enough of you and your feelings we are here already and there is nothing that has happened said Sandra so why dont we just enjoy our one night stay here without your feelings can you do that for us please pleaded Sandra.Ok then(prenominal) I will try my best Im just baffled that allI replied.Denise got in the pool, while Sandra went to bed and Clare to the kitchen while I was left alone scared and baffled in the living room.After couple minute of silence ahhhhhhhhhhhhhscreamed DeniseWhat is wrong? I asked as I raced outside to the pool.On getting there I found the pool has turned RED with Denises physical structure floating around lifelessly. I was so scared so I raced inside to tell my friends then I heard another scream but this time it was coming from the kitchen only to find Clare was no longer in the kitchen but all I found was a cracked egg with seam in it and Clares body was no were to be find.So scared I raced outside to see if we can get any help on get outside whole town was dark because the house that brightened up the town has turn dark and the golden writing has changed to red writing A HOME OF HORRORI was so scared I could not go out because it was already dark so I raced back inside to go and get Sandra and explain what has happened to her. on getting up the pace I did not find a big bedroom no more but all I saw was a big dark trench with loads of dead bodies and Sandra was no were to be found.So scared and knowing that Im not safe I took my pen and wrote all that as happened and I left a note for the people to take to my school in the hope that I susceptibility be able to survive this horror.When I finished writing, it was already morning and things were back o modal(prenominal) except my friends were no more.
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