Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Understanding a Criminal Battery Charge
Battery is any unlawful offensive physical contact with another person, with or without his or her consent. The contact does not have to be violent for the crime of battery to take place, it can be merely any offensive touching. Unlike the crime of assault, battery requires that actual contact is made, while assault charges can be brought with only the threat of violence. Basic Elements of Battery There are three basic elements of battery that are generally consistent among most jurisdictions in the U.S.: The defendant had offensive physical contact with the victim.The defendant is aware that their actions will result in offensive touching.There was no consent from the victim. Different Types of Battery The laws regarding battery vary from state to state, but many jurisdictions have different classifications or degrees of the crime of battery. Simple Battery Simple battery generally includes all forms of contact that are non-consensual, harmful or insulting. This includes any contact that results in injury or non-injury to the victim. The battery is not criminal unless willful intent to inflict an injury or another unlawful act on the victim exists. For example, if a neighbor becomes angry at another neighbor and purposely throws a rock right at the neighbor resulting in injury and pain, then throwing the rock could result in criminal battery charges. However, if a neighbor is cutting their grass and a rock hits the blade and spins out and hits their neighbor causing injury and pain, then there is no willful intent and there would not be grounds for a charge of criminal battery. Sexual Battery In some states, sexual battery is any non-consensual touching of the intimate parts of another person, but in other states, a sexual battery charge requires actual oral, anal, or vaginal penetration. Family-Violence Battery In an effort to cut down on domestic violence, many states have passed family-violence battery laws, which require that cases of family violence be adjudicated whether the victim decides to press charges or not. Aggravated Battery Aggravated battery is when violence against another person results in serious bodily injury or disfigurement. In some states, aggravated battery can be charged only if the intent to do serious bodily harm can be proven. This includes a loss of a limb, burns resulting in permanent disfigurement, and the loss of sensory functions. Common Defense Strategies in Cases of Criminal Battery No Intent: Common strategies used in criminal battery cases include the most defense which is to prove that there was no intent to cause harm on the part of the defendant. For example, if a man rubbed up against a woman on a crowded subway in a way that the woman felt was sexual in nature, the defense could be that the man did not intend to rub up against the woman and only did so because he was pushed by the crowds. Consent: If consent can be proven, sometimes referred to as mutual combat defense, then the victim may be considered as being equally responsible for any injuries that resulted. For example, if two men get into an argument in a bar and agree to take it outside to fight it out, then neither man can claim that their injuries were a result of criminal battery if they both agreed to participate in what could be viewed as a fair fight. There may be other criminal charges that apply, but probably not criminal battery. Self-Defense: If a defendant can prove that bodily harm inflicted on the victim was a result of the victim attempting to cause bodily harm to the defendant first and the defendant protected themselves within what would be considered reasonable, but resulted in the victim being physically harmed, then it is likely that the defendant would be innocent of criminal battery. The key to this defense is that the self-defense was reasonable. For example, if two women were riding on a bus and one woman began harassing the other woman and then began hitting the woman in an effort to steal her purse, and the woman reacted by punching the attacking woman in the nose, causing her nose to break, then the woman that was first attacked used reasonable self-defense measures and would likely not be found guilty of criminal battery.
Friday, May 15, 2020
Manic Depressive Illness of Bipolar Disease - 712 Words
Bipolar disease is a serious brain illness. It is also called manic-depressive illness. Adults or children with bipolar disease go through unusual mood changes. They sometimes feel very happy or active more then usual; which is called mania. But sometimes when they feel very sad and less active then usual it is called depression. Everyone feels happy and sad throughout their day but people diagnosed with bipolar disorder have stronger symptoms. Anyone can be diagnosed with bipolar disease; most people usually develop bipolar disease in their early teen or adult years. This disorder usually lasts a life time. A type of bipolar disease that can be the most severe is called early-on set bipolar disease. Children are usually the ones most likely to get this illness. Younger people with bipolar disease may have more mood switches than adults with bipolar disease. Kids that have this illness have a hard time doing good in school or getting along with their friends or even family members. B ipolar disease can be really dangerous because if often gives both children and adults suicidal thoughts or thoughts of hurting themselves. Bipolar disease affects an estimated 5.7 million adults a year. Although bipolar disease is equally common in women and men research indicates that three times the women of men experience rapid cycling of bipolar disease. Women also have more depressive and mixed episodes then men. Statistics also show that one in every five patients diagnosed with bipolarShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder1485 Words  | 6 PagesBipolar Disorder HCA/240 Toni Black Andrew Bertrand 11/21/2010 What is Bipolar Disorder? Bipolar disorder, is also known as manic-depressive illness, this is a brain disorder that causes unusual mood swings, energy levels are either up or down and your ability to function a normal everyday life would be a challenge to these individuals with this mental illness. The normal ups and downs that people experience who doesn’t have bipolar disorder is relatively different because withRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Bipolar Disorder1442 Words  | 6 Pagesafflicted with the same mental illness. For example, manic depressive illness, or bipolar disorder, is a cognitive disease which affects â€Å"about 2.6% of the U.S. population†every year (DBSA). Along with the vast number of patients stricken with bipolar, are also a plethora of symptoms, with researchers and patients reporting, â€Å"unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and (an inability) to carry out day-to-day tasks†(NIMH). Along with the symptoms of bipolar are several factors th at contributeRead MoreBipolar Disorder ( Bipolar )1447 Words  | 6 Pages Bipolar disorder is a serious mental illness in which common emotions become intensely and often unpredictably magnified. Individuals with bipolar disorder can quickly swing from extremes of happiness, energy and clarity to sadness, fatigue and confusion. Bipolar disorder more commonly develops in older teenagers and young adults; it can appear in children as 6. The exact cause of bipolar disorder is unknown; there are two types of this disease: Types of the bipolar disorder: People with bipolarRead MoreBipolar Disorder Is A Manic Depressive Disease858 Words  | 4 PagesGalvao Psychology Davis Mertz 14 December 2015 Bipolar Disorder Bipolar disorder is a manic-depressive disease; it is a brain disorder which sources uncommon changes in energy, mood, ability to do daily activities and activity levels. The symptoms are normally severe as they lead to poor performance in jobs and schools. Bipolar disorders can be cured and the sick people can have useful lives. 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After collegeRead MoreBiography Of Emil Kraepelin s Theory Of Psychiatric Psychology1708 Words  | 7 Pagesclinical observation. As well as the importance that Emil Kraepelin had on the taxonomy of psychiatric disorders and how his idea for this came about. It will also review his findings on bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Kraepelin also founded some ideas on what later on came to be known as Alzheimer’s disease. Introduction Emil Kraepelin was a student under Wundt. Under Wundt Kraepelin worked enthusiastically under him where his talents and hard work became obvious to Wundt. Read MoreThe Signs Of Mania And Depression1062 Words  | 5 PagesJust being aware of the signs of mania and depression can significantly help a loved one who suffers from bipolar. Knowing what to do in these situations is key, and being supportive goes a long way. In violent situations, the bipolar individual might need to be medicated or sedated. Jamison speaks frankly about violent outbursts she’s had throughout her life and within her relationships. â€Å"Both my manias and depressions had violent sides to them. Violence, especially if you’re a woman, is not somethingRead MoreBipolar Dissorder: A Brief Summary Essay1724 Words  | 7 PagesThe event of bipolar disorder has been a mystery since the 16th century. Records have shown that this problem can appear in almost anyone. It is clear that in our social world many people live with bipolar disorder. Regardless of the number of people suffering from the disease, we are still waiting for an explanation regarding the causes and cure. One fact of which we are aware, is that bipolar disorder severely undermines its’ victims ability to obtain and maintain social and occupational success
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Top Trends Of Federal Procurement - 1358 Words
Top Trends in Federal Procurement Name Institution Affiliation Trends in Federal Procurement Introduction The year 2017 seems to be one setting in significant changes both in the political and economic scenes. Every other person who has even the slightest interest in current global trends understands that these two issues relate to each other at a very high level. The political atmosphere in the United States is known to greatly affect not only the local, but also the world economy. With a new president taking seat this year, the economic ripple effect will undoubtedly not go unnoticed. To add more significance to this is that the new president (Donald Trump) is by far an economist, greatly contrasting the nation’s history†¦show more content†¦This wave could well be attributed to the ongoing implementation of what is known as Small Business Jobs Act of the year 2010. It is important to also note that with President Trump in power, more focus will be placed on small businesses owned by Americans as beneficiaries of federal government procurement. This comes within the background of Trump’s policy of capitalizing first on the ability of Americans to benefit from their own products. Though this will otherwise spell doom for big corporations with branches extending beyond American soil, it will mean an overall advantage to the locals who according to Trump are the real drivers of the country’s economy. Though most policies do not separate benefits that could possibly be achieved by small businesses from large ones, it is expected that an increasing number of small businesses take the stage in the award of important contracts in the year 2017 and the years to come. One area where small businesses will have undisputed opportunity of being awarded contracts is in the Treasury. Through the Treasury Bureau Small Business Specialist, small businesses classified under legal and economic scopes will have an opportunity of landing single contracts worth over a hundred and fifty thousand dollars each. In a forecast of contract opportunities for the year 2017, the governmentShow MoreRelatedAltruism Over Incentives For Organ Donation Essay1535 Words  | 7 Pagesto produce the desired outcome of increasing the availability of desperately needed organs and tissues. 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Cost effective supply chain practices including distribution system, procurement system and logistics system. 4. By making strong use of customer and supplier data, Wal-Mart is able to analyses each demographic consumer behavior and tailor offering accordingly. 5. Fresh Vegetables and Groceries strategy employed by Wal-MartRead MoreTrends in Population Growth and Diversity2549 Words  | 11 PagesIn an ever-increasing world of competition, organizations today must have strategies in place responding to trends in population growth and diversity that could have an impact on an organization s ability to plan, organize, lead, and control. Some factors to be considered include; vendor relationships, population growth, diversity, lawsuits, one stop shopping, and overcoming barriers to new cultures. Wal-Mart is a huge corporation whose operations are heavily scrutinized by the media, the public
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Stereotyping (Black Men in Public Space) free essay sample
Stereotypes typically appeal to sex and race, but generally, almost anything can be transitioned into a stereotype. Mr. Brent Staples, author of the essay â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†, is targeted by judgment because of his race. This essay sheds light on the mistreatment towards an ordinary African American male. Ultimately, Staples is the victim of stereotype. Appearance and physique play a role in stereotyping. The way an individual looks and presents them selves determines the judgment of them by others. Staples, an African-American male who stands approximately 74 inches in height, can be mistaken for a criminal simply by his physical appearance. Staples is caught in a dilemma where he happens to notice a Caucasian female in her early twenties displaying signs of worry as he casually walks the streets of Hyde Park. In the essay by Brent Staples, he says, â€Å"After a few more quick glimpses, she picked up her pace and was soon running in earnest†(Staples 294). We will write a custom essay sample on Stereotyping (Black Men in Public Space) or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page What Staples is explaining in this observation is that this woman is afraid. This young woman witnessed Staples physical appearance and quickly made a judgment in which she assumed the worse. This judgment puts Staples in a situation where he is no longer innocent. Staples experiences what it is like to be deemed a threat, but in reality he is victimized by a stereotype. Subliminal stereotyping is miserably carried on throughout generations. Stereotypes get thrown around within society even to this day. Generation after generation is being exposed to these harmful statements that promote negativity. Staples says â€Å"It was in the echo of that terrified woman’s footfalls that I first began to know the unwieldy inheritance I’d come into – the ability to alter public space in ugly ways†(Staples 294). Staples makes known that somehow he has innocently become a threat to the public. He implies that he is forcefully a victim of stereotyping simply because of his African-American inheritance. Judgmental perceptions of a young, innocent and kindhearted African-American male have conclusively proved that generations of stereotyping continue to exist and victimize Staples. Forms of violence can arise from stereotyping. Violence can range from an unspoken insulting thought to a physical force against an individual. Violence promotes negativity in every way, shape and form. Staples conveys the thought that â€Å"Where fear and weapons meet – and they often do in urban America – there is always the possibility of death†(Staples 295). Staples allows the audience to realize the potential danger imposed on the victims of stereotyping. Under Staples circumstances, the fears exhibited by individuals around him inflict conceivable danger towards him. As a victim of stereotypes, Staples risks becoming a victim of death if someone were to foolishly act on their fear. Fear can be communicated through actions resulting from an initial stereotype. Stereotypes have the potential to instill fear into the minds of those who willing and unwillingly seek it. Thus many individuals fail to realize the feebleminded impression of hate and fear they exemplify through their actions. Staples says â€Å"I could cross in front of a car stopped at a traffic light and elicit the thunk, thunk, thunk, thunk of the driver black, white, male, or female – hammering down the door locks†(Staples 295). Staples describes a perfectly vivid example of individuals showing discriminatory acts towards him. The individual in the car exemplifies the subliminal expression of fear by making a conscious effort to lock the doors of the car as Staples walks by. Staples must feel an insulting form of bewilderment as he is once again victimized by a stereotype. Appearance and physique played major roles in the initial judgments made by others whole saw Staples. Many generations of stereotypes have been passed on and continue to be exercised. Unfortunately this has lead to forms of violence and fear being instilled in one another to address these stereotypes. Staples communicated in vivid details the realistic point of view of what it is like to be a true victim of frequent stereotyping. Works Cited Staples, Brent. â€Å"Black Men and Public Space†. The Seagull Reader Essays. 2nd Edition. Kelly, Joseph. London: W. W. Norton Company, 2008. 294 – 297. Print.
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