Friday, December 27, 2019
Unit 5 Biology - 1810 Words
39) Name the specific type of plant tissue or cell that performs the following functions: a) waterproofing the surface layer Endodermos b) rapidly dividing into new cells Mitosis c) transporting sugars throughout the plant Phloem 40)Maple syrup is produces from the sap moving in the xylem of maple trees in the early spring. How would taking too much sap in the spring harm the maple tree? That sap is an energy store to give it a strong start in spring. If you take too much, that is less energy for the tree to use. 41) A number of plants are currently being stydies for use in cleaning up land sites contanining toxic substances. a)name the technique of using plants for this purpose Phytoremediation†¦show more content†¦b)self-pollination Would always result in the same type of plant, but higher chance of survival because it can reproduce by itself rather than having to have other plants around. 50) 51) A botanist wanted to see if a new strain of corn could germinate in soil that was too salty for regular corn. She conducted a study on the germination success of seeds from the new strain that were exposed to various levels of salty soil, from zero to normal (100mg/L) to high (200 mg/L) to very high (400 mg/L) to normally lethal (800 mg/L) a) Write a formal hypothesis for this study. b) Does her data support or reject the hypothesis? Explain. If the answer is love then corn definitely doesnt love normally lethal concentrations :). On a more serious note: Lets say a valid hypothesis will be: The new strain of corn is able to germinate successfully and tolerate salt concentrations which are normally lethal for regular corn plants. Now, in order to actually measure this hypothesis, you would need results for salt tolerance of regular corn as well because only with these results you dont have anything to compare it against. However, if we assume that as it say concentrations of 800 mg/l are normallyShow MoreRelatedNat Books Essay1170 Words  | 5 PagesScience: NCERT Class VI †¢ Science: NCERT Class VII †¢ Science: NCERT Class VIII †¢ Science: NCERT Class IX †¢ Science: NCERT Class X †¢ Science: NCERT Class XI – Chemistry: Unit 14 Biology: Units 4 5 †¢ Science: NCERT Class XII – Chemistry: Unit 16 Biology: Units 8, 9 10 NCERT Books: Environment Ecology †¢ Science: Class XII – Biology: last four Chapters (13 to 16) NCERT Books List for UPSC Preparation/Must read NCERT books for UPSC/NCERT books for UPSC list Class Textbooks 6th History: Our PastRead MoreA Study On The Community Health Course1187 Words  | 5 Pages The Community health Course was the longest course and was taught over the 5 year period in different modules that carried different credit units and different contact hours. The course was divided into 8 modules with a total of 14 credit Units. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
Rhythmic Gymnastics - A Combination of Athleticism and Grace
Rhythmic Gymnastics - A Combination of Athleticism and Grace If, in six years time, I were to become a successful Hollywood screenwriter and was commissioned to write a screenplay about women in sports, I would have a hard time deciding what to write about. There are currently so many sports that women participate in that I cannot image what will be available in the future. Out of all the athletic activities in which women participate, I feel that gymnastics has been overlooked by Hollywood; therefore, I would most likely make a film based on that. I happen to be a fan of rhythmic gymnastics, and would like to see it gain more popularity in the United States. Rhythmic gymnastics is an amazing combination of athleticism and grace.†¦show more content†¦While this elegant sport is embraced across Europe and into Asia, the United States has shown little enthusiasm for rhythmic gymnastics. In my screenplay, I would choose to follow a rhythmic gymnastics team composed of high school girls. High school girls are the ones who would be competing in championships, and this movie would hopefully cause attendance of said meets to increase. I would write the script so that the movie would not get anything higher than a PG-13 rating. This would ensure that the majority of the population could go see the movie, and could bring their young children to enjoy it as well. Allowing young children to view the movie could increase interest in the sport from a younger age (as most rhythmic gymnasts start when they are very young). Out of the entire cast of women, I would pick a single protagonist to focus on. For the sake of the movie, she would most likely be the team captain – someone who is more experienced and has a better chance of winning in competition. People like to watch movies with successful conclusions, therefore the team that the movie followed needs to be able to win at the end. Therefore, it makes sense that the main character be of the top athletes. As for the issues that the movie would address, a few of the more prominent ones would be: women as competitive athletes, body image issues, athletic events
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Story Essay Example For Students
Frankenstein By Mary Shelley Story Essay In the story Frankenstein, written by the author Mary Shelley, VictorFrankenstein decided that wanted to create a being out of people that werealready dead. He believed that he could bring people back from the grave. Playing with nature in such a way would make him play the role of God. WithVictor Frankenstein feeling that he had no true friends, the only relief he hadof expressing his feeling was through letters to Elizabeth. Elizabeth was notVictors true sister but he loved her very dearly, making sure to always writeher when ever he had the chance. Yet, when Victor left something strange cameover him. Already being interested in subjects such as natural philosophy andchemistry, he fall upon the question of how to bring someone back to life. Hebecame very involved in this project and worked on it for days on end. Theproject had to do with defying the laws of nature. Victor believe wholeheartedlythat he could bring the dead back to life. He felt that the dead were not readyto die and they were just resting. Victor became so self absorbed into hisproject that he seem to forget all that was important to him. He even disengagedhimself from all the people he loved in his life. People like his father ,Elizabeth, and other loved ones. Victor began to write less and less. Yet, itwas not until Elizabeth got a discouraged letter from Victor, did his love onesstart to wary about him. Though, the letter was full of words, it gave no reliefto Elizabeth, because the words meant nothing to her. However, they meant a lotto Victor, because he felt the project in which he was working on was soimportant to him, in his own delirious world. He felt that with bring peopleback to life he would not only better man kind, but also establish a name forhimself. With this type of attitude, he did not even take into considerationthat he might make the world a worse place. This part in the story shows theirony. The irony being that Victor Frankenstein feels he is doing something goodfor the world, but we later find out just how bad this creation could be. ThoughElizabeth wanted to pull Victor away from his project, he was unwilling to leaveuntil it is complete. After Victor found how to bring his creati on to life, healso found out just how evil his invention could be. His creation was strong andevil. With the escape of the monster, Victor Frankenstein had to come torealization of what his creation might do and the consequences thatFrankenstein, himself would have to deal with. With the murder of his brotherweighing the guilt on his shoulders, Frankenstein know he had to do something. So he went looking for the monster. Upon their meeting each other, the monsterconfessed that when he found out that William as Victors brother he killedhim. He then proceeded to tell him that he killed his brother due to the factthat he was trying to get back at his creator for bringing him to life andallowing him to be an out cast in society. This killing prove to Victor that themonster did not know right from wrong or how to cope with his anger. Thisaggression made Frankensteins creation violent. While talking with the monster,the monster demanded from Frankenstein to create a partner that he could be ableto live with away for society. At first, agreeing to the demand, but laterrealized that if his first creation came out to be a killer so could the secondone. With this in mind Frankenstein revoked his agreement and decided againstcreating another monster. Though, knowing that this decision could be dangerousto him and his loved ones. Yet, he had to think of what was truly best for mankind. Bringing the dead to life or saving the lives of the living. Another peaceof irony in this story is, just like Victor Frankenstein who had no friends andwas different from the rest of society so was the monster. Also, whenFrankenstein decided to play God and bring the dead to life, his creation tookon the same role when he decided to take away some ones life. All in all, bothFrankenstein and his creation had some of the same behaviors and both were goingto die themselves and be lonely meanwhile. .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .postImageUrl , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:hover , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:visited , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:active { border:0!important; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:active , .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346 .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uc2a68bea9a66fd49724c7d99abe32346:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Identify And Discuss The Elements Of Romanticism As Given Expression I EssayBook Reports
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
Teenagers Lifestyle free essay sample
Teenagers prefer to spend free time in front of a computer rather than to walk, play football or go to a swimming pool. Moreover, games transfer them into the world which doesn’t exist. It is very exciting for the youth. They meet with friends in such places as McDonalds. Teens eat there unhealthy food. They eat too much fast food. Every teenager needs a balanced diet, appropriate personal hygiene and physical activities in the fresh air, for example, playing a ball, going running, swimming, driving on the bicycle, playing in tennis or walking. This should be for them more interesting than sitting for hours in front of a computer or TV because such a mode of life leads to the improvement of mood, health and physical shape.. Young people choose less healthy kinds of entertainment than sport, putting away bicycles in the corner. They eat too much fast, unhealthy food, which is very fatty and drink too many sugary drinks. We will write a custom essay sample on Teenagers Lifestyle or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This leads to obesity. However, nowadays young people, especially girls, allow themselves to grow fat, or torture themselves with diets, which leads to various diseases with physical basis like anorexia and bulimia. Young people must not give up food, especially breakfasts because skipping breakfast is a frequent cause of fainting which can cause frequent complications and even leads to death. It is crucial to limit the amount they eat, but only in a reasonable way, if at all possible after the consultation with the dietician. Young people have to remember, that a healthy lifestyle requires appropriate nourishment, but they also must not forget about personal hygiene. Personal hygiene plays a very important role in healthy lifestyle. It should be an indispensable element in the life of every young man. Its task is the maintenance and strengthening of health. Notable part of young people think that taking a shower once a week, wearing sweaty clothes and splashing over them with a deodorant is proper, but it is not. For example, before a young man goes to bed, he should develop a habit of not being able to fall asleep without having a bath first. Everyday toilet will prevent skin diseases as complexion of every person requires systematic nurturing: washing in soft water, abrasion, creaming and protecting before diseases. Therefore personal hygiene institutes an important part of healthy lifestyle and it cannot be skipped, just like physical activity. Physical activity has a large influence on young people lifestyle. Physical activity improves health condition in various ways. It helps the organism to utilize the calories better, which helps to maintain a desirable weight. Physical activity reduces the appetite and helps in the reduction of the fatty mass of the body. The beneficial influence of physical activity on health mood does not raise any doubts any more. The research reveals that regular training among the youth( and not only, but also by people at any age) is an important factor improving the health. However, too little popularity of psychical activities among the young people is a huge problem. It is a frequent and more and more general problem and causes various diseases such as: heart failure, lungs deficiency, spine problems etc. Here is a list of advantages of physical activity: †¢ reduces the risk of heart diseases †¢ protects before the osteoporosis, †¢ burning the calorie intensifies, †¢ favours the masses of the body to lowering and maintenance of the desirable weight, †¢ leads to the growth of the basic transformation of the matter, †¢ reduces the appetite †¢ helps in the reduction of the fatty mass of the body. Thanks to these useful tips, we can easily build the whole strategy of the healthy lifestyle in order to effectively fight with overweight and obesity. To get rid the excess of fat, we can cultivate different kinds of the sport, depending for age, sex or interests. However you should remember about warning of several principles so that our effort brings desirable results and does not harm our health. Another aspect worth mentioning is communication via the Internet, especially instant messaging, has become an essential feature of teens’ social lives. Teenagers say, that this can be very helpful to communicate, learn and can be fun. Through the Internet they can download music and other files and play on-line games, for example, with their real or virtual friends. What is more, cellulars are very popular among teenagers and can be used to do a lot of things: we can communicate with friends using them, have a nice time playing games, listen to music and also watch films. For a lot of young people mobile phones are indispensable and they simply cannot imagine life without them. Teenagers’ clothes in the twenty-first century have also changed a lot. The clothes they wear depend on current trends since it is important to follow fashion. School uniforms aren’t so popular today like in the past. Girls more often wear jeans than skirts, boys wear wide sweatshirts and trousers. The fact is that nowadays teens get dressed in clothes which are comfortable for them. All in all, it can be stated that the lifestyle of teenagers depends on many factors. It is connected with the constant development which is taking place and as a result is different from the lifestyle of young people in the past. Every young man should lead a healthy lifestyle independently of age or interests. This should be one of the things that you do every single day. According to many scholars that is the liability of every man, and everyone should try to take the advantage of this life the best he or she can. Young people should be aware of positive influence of healthy lifestyle on health and mood. This in effect would give them better results in studying and what is more important they would be pleased with good health much longer.
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