Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds Essay Example
Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds Paper Introduction: McDonalds is one of the biggest fast food companies in the market share today. It has been running in over 119 countries, as well as they have acquired over 31,000 restaurants in the world now. McDonald’s brand mission is to be customers’ favourite place and way to eat, they are aligned around a global strategy called the ‘Plan to Win’, they also committed to continuously improving their operations and enhancing their customers’ experience. As we all know that McDonald’s had successfully achieved their goal through out the years. (aboutmcdonald’s, 2012) Apart from this, as McDonald’s is a worldwide company, they also had the social responsibility to return the community; therefore, the ‘Ronald McDonald House Charities’ was established to build up their social image. Unfortunately, the market share is not only for McDonalds because there are still a lot other competitors in the market, like KFC and Burger King. So, McDonalds need a good marketing strategy to conquer other enemies and retain their position because the competition in the market is hypercompetitive. As all we know, the successful marketing strategy for McDonalds is based on their innovative and creative promotion and great marketing research in order to keep consumer’s loyalty. Eventually, this project will examine the success through three main sessions, which are marketing research, the marketing mix and the competitor strategies. Marketing Research: We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Every marketing strategy starts with the marketing research. In the fast food market, McDonald’s confronts competition form other businesses, in order to maintain the market share, McDonald’s needs to identify the needs and wants of customers, and creating the right marketing mix in order to keep customers’ loyalty so as to build up a long term relationship with their customers. Marketing research helps identifying the change of customers’ wills and anticipates how the changes will affect the sales figure. 1. Research method Market researches done by McDonald’s consider everything that affect buying decisions. (The times 100, 2012) The buying decisions could be affected by a wide range of factors, including psychological factors, like ‘what image does the product give’ or ‘how the consumer feels when purchasing’. Next, the economy changes could also affect the buying decisions, for example, the rising living standards. According to Salvam (2009), McDonald’s used both qualitative and quantitative data are developed in the research activities. After McDonald’s had collect the data, they will identify how appropriate the company’s products are for the future; the quality of employees and how well trained they are to offer the best services to customer and the financial resources that available for marketing etc. 2. Customer satisfaction The number of customers in the market is limited; it is essential to retain people once they have become customers to build long-term and successful business. The marketing research helps McDonald’s to indentify the types of customers and determine the type of products and services offered, price range, promotion strategies and even where the restaurants located. The ‘Happy Meal’ is one of the famous product line McDonald’s had produced, which targeted to young customers, the Happy Meal is served with food and a toy, McDonald’s ally with Hollywood studios such as Walt Disney, consequently, the Happy meal had become one of the most successful children’s cultural icons on the globe (Hong, 2009) and brings about a huge income to McDonald’s every single year. Apart from this, to respond the global criticism and the negative effect of the documentary ‘Super Size Me’ on McDonald’s are selling junk food, McDonald’s had introduce the more healthy food, such as salad and fruits to their menu, so as to associate their brand image with healthier food. This is one of the examples that shows how McDonald’s consider the social factor. These are all the examples of what McDonald’s done to achieve the needs and wants of customers. How McDonald’s influences their customers – The marketing mix It is known that McDonald’s used both polycentric and geocentric approach in creating their marketing mix. 1. Product It is known that most products go through a ‘product life cycle’, which sees all kinds of product will eventually go to the ‘decline’ stage. The marketing research discussed in the pervious part is vitally important to understand the changing wants and needs of customers. McDonalds constantly works to satisfy customers by developing new products to appeal them. For example, McDonalds introduced a variety of salads to appeal to the healthier conscious customers (Yahoo! Contributor Network, 2005), and recently, McDonald’s added a new product line named ‘great taste of America’ so as to attract young customers. (UK McDonald’s, 2012) 2. Price As we all know that customers draw their own mental picture of what a product is worth, therefore, it is important for McDonald’s to know the customer’s perception of value. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006) McDonald’s will change their product price time to time based on the result of the marketing research, and offer the most reasonable price for the customers. 3. Promotions Every company has their own way to promote their products; McDonald’s is no different. The promotion strategy of McDonald’s could be classified into two aspects, which are the advertising promotion and sales promotion. 3. 1 Advertisement Advertisement is conducted on TV, radio, website, poster site, and all kinds of media that around our daily life. It is known that positive emotion can be very effective in creating memorable and persuasive messages (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006), this is also why the cheerful senses are always used in McDonalds’ commercials. Apart from this, customer-oriented appeals are also used in McDonalds’ advertisement. To advertise different types of customers, McDonald’s had different strategies, for example, they had co-operate with Walt Disney to produce toys that can attract children. Toy giveaways are a major promotion weapon in McDonald’s battle in the fast-food market share. McDonald’s have long put toys in kid’s meal to build traffic and encourage repeat visit from families. 3. 2 Sales Promotion McDonald’s had developed numerous of effective promotional campaign to attract more customers, and sales promotion is an aspect that they heavily rely on. It is believed that by adding extra value to the product, over and above the normal product offering, thus creating an extra inducement to consumers to buy or try them. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006) McDonald’s strategy is to offer quality food quickly to customers at a good value. The pricing structure for McDonald’s over years has supported this message, McDonald’s has ran many promotions to increase product sales. For instance, they offer student offer, which gives out free hamburger, cheeseburger or ‘McFlurry Original’ with the customers purchase an ‘Extra Value Meal’ with a valid student ID card. Furthermore, McDonald’s also offer different types of coupons frequently in order to stimulate the demand and increase customers’ interest and desire to purchase their products. (McDonald’s, 2012) 4. Place Place, is about the physical location and the distribution points for products. McDonald’s had their special menu in different shops all over the world. For instance, Maharaja McBurger is a vegetarian burger marketed in India; Prosperity Burger is popular in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore; McDonalds offers Halal food in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Competitor Strategies: Nowadays, many fast food shops are building up in the market, which means the market share for fast food shop is becoming more competitive. As we all know, no company can be successful without a good competitor strategy. McDonald’s has become one of the well-known and famous fast food companies today because they have had an innovated and effective competitor strategy to conquer their enemies The major competitors of McDonald’s included Burger King, Doctor’s Associates and Yumburger. RQ Admit Company, 2012) Among all of the competitors strategies McDonald’s had applied, there are three main obvious ideas, which can help them establishing a good reputation and popularity in the market. New Production Strategy: As McDonalds had expanded internationally, in order to keep consumer’s loyalty and attract people’s attention, McDonald’s designs creative productions regularly which are both special and delicious, such as ‘shake shake chips’ and new version of burger. Clark, 2012) Furthermore, in order to spread further their market, they provided vegetarian food, which allowed customers that are vegetarian to purchase their product. Apart from this, McDonald’s has already established a great reputation in the market; therefore, they will be always exploiting their brand’s reputation and consumer’s desire to promote the new product. This is one of the effective ways, which could assist customers to gain their popularity and promote their new production. Healthy Food strategy: In this new generation, a new demand in the market has appeared. People are now craving for a healthy life and are more willing to purchase healthier food. Thus, on purpose of reaching customers’ new demand, McDonald’s had change their products from the traditional high-fat and oily food to food that contained lower calories and fat, as well as they had begun to provide some new choices of food, which are much healthier and more palatable, such as snack size fruit, walnut salad and yogurt parfait. (HubPages, 2012) Charity strategy: Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMDH) is one of the independent and egistered charities, whose mission is to provide comfort and safety place and environment for poor family and some ill or injured children. (McDonalds, 2012) There are some reasons why they built a charity. First of all, it is one of the unique strategies, which can make people feel that they have associated with the donation of the charity, after they purchased the food. Therefore, their reputation and population will increase in the mar ket and this will help McDonald creating a more positive image and change people’s rooted negative thought on fast food industry. Furthermore, RMDH can build up their brand name with co-operating with some charities to organize some activities. This is because it is one of the essential ways to let more people to be interested in McDonald’s. Thus, they can keep being one of the huge groups in the marketing share. Conclusion There is no doubt that McDonald’s is a successful company. The success of McDonald’s could be seen in the comprehensive and effective marketing research, the purposeful marketing mix created that satisfied customers needs and wants and the overwhelming competitor strategies, which helped McDonald’s to keep their market share. Reference: 1. Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. , 2006. Principles of Marketing. England: Person Education Limited. 2. Clark, W. , 2012. Product Development Strategy for McDonald’s[online]. United Stated: Hearst Communications Inc.. Available from: http://smallbusiness. chron. com/product-development-strategy-mcdonalds-12207. html [Accessed 27 April 2012] 3. Hong, J. W. , 2009. Power of McDonald’s ‘Happy Meal’: Globalization of American Culture and Value. The Global Studies Journal. 2(2), pp. 143-154 4. Hubpages, 2012. Low Calorie and Healthy Choices at McDonald’s[online]. United State: HubPages Inc.. Available from: http://pbdietitian. hubpages. com/hub/low-calorie-and-healthy-choices-at-McDonalds [Accessed 22 April 2012] 5. McDonald’s, 2012. Ronald McDonald House Charities[online]. United Kingdom: McDonald’s. Available from: http://www. mcdonalds. co. uk/ukhome/Ourworld/Ronald-McDonald-House-Charities. html [Accessed 25 April 2012] 6. McDonald’s, 2012. Mission and Value[online]. United Kingdom: McDonald’s. Available from: http://www. aboutmcdonalds. com/mcd/our_company/mission_and_values. html [Accessed 23 April 2012] Yahoo! Contributor Network. , 2005. McDonald’s Strategic Marketing Mix. [online] http://voices. ahoo. com/mcdonalds-strategic-marketing-mix-372441. html? cat=4 7. R Q Amit Company, 2010. Marketing – McDonalds’ Style[online]. United State: R Q Amit Company. Available from: http://essayexpert. qapacity. com/financial-sucess/4604/marketing-mcdonalds-style/ [Accessed 25 April 2012]. 8. Salvam, P. , 2009. Expansion of M cDonald’s to regional markets. Management committee, 1, pp,1-10 9. The times 100. , 2012. The marketing process – A McDonald’s Restaurants case study. [online] http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/mcdonalds-restaurants/the-marketing-process/the-marketing-mix-and-market-research. html Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds Essay Example Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds Essay Introduction: McDonalds is one of the biggest fast food companies in the market share today. It has been running in over 119 countries, as well as they have acquired over 31,000 restaurants in the world now. McDonald’s brand mission is to be customers’ favourite place and way to eat, they are aligned around a global strategy called the ‘Plan to Win’, they also committed to continuously improving their operations and enhancing their customers’ experience. As we all know that McDonald’s had successfully achieved their goal through out the years. (aboutmcdonald’s, 2012) Apart from this, as McDonald’s is a worldwide company, they also had the social responsibility to return the community; therefore, the ‘Ronald McDonald House Charities’ was established to build up their social image. Unfortunately, the market share is not only for McDonalds because there are still a lot other competitors in the market, like KFC and Burger King. So, McDonalds need a good marketing strategy to conquer other enemies and retain their position because the competition in the market is hypercompetitive. As all we know, the successful marketing strategy for McDonalds is based on their innovative and creative promotion and great marketing research in order to keep consumer’s loyalty. Eventually, this project will examine the success through three main sessions, which are marketing research, the marketing mix and the competitor strategies. Marketing Research: We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Marketing Strategy of Mcdonalds specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Every marketing strategy starts with the marketing research. In the fast food market, McDonald’s confronts competition form other businesses, in order to maintain the market share, McDonald’s needs to identify the needs and wants of customers, and creating the right marketing mix in order to keep customers’ loyalty so as to build up a long term relationship with their customers. Marketing research helps identifying the change of customers’ wills and anticipates how the changes will affect the sales figure. 1. Research method Market researches done by McDonald’s consider everything that affect buying decisions. (The times 100, 2012) The buying decisions could be affected by a wide range of factors, including psychological factors, like ‘what image does the product give’ or ‘how the consumer feels when purchasing’. Next, the economy changes could also affect the buying decisions, for example, the rising living standards. According to Salvam (2009), McDonald’s used both qualitative and quantitative data are developed in the research activities. After McDonald’s had collect the data, they will identify how appropriate the company’s products are for the future; the quality of employees and how well trained they are to offer the best services to customer and the financial resources that available for marketing etc. 2. Customer satisfaction The number of customers in the market is limited; it is essential to retain people once they have become customers to build long-term and successful business. The marketing research helps McDonald’s to indentify the types of customers and determine the type of products and services offered, price range, promotion strategies and even where the restaurants located. The ‘Happy Meal’ is one of the famous product line McDonald’s had produced, which targeted to young customers, the Happy Meal is served with food and a toy, McDonald’s ally with Hollywood studios such as Walt Disney, consequently, the Happy meal had become one of the most successful children’s cultural icons on the globe (Hong, 2009) and brings about a huge income to McDonald’s every single year. Apart from this, to respond the global criticism and the negative effect of the documentary ‘Super Size Me’ on McDonald’s are selling junk food, McDonald’s had introduce the more healthy food, such as salad and fruits to their menu, so as to associate their brand image with healthier food. This is one of the examples that shows how McDonald’s consider the social factor. These are all the examples of what McDonald’s done to achieve the needs and wants of customers. How McDonald’s influences their customers – The marketing mix It is known that McDonald’s used both polycentric and geocentric approach in creating their marketing mix. 1. Product It is known that most products go through a ‘product life cycle’, which sees all kinds of product will eventually go to the ‘decline’ stage. The marketing research discussed in the pervious part is vitally important to understand the changing wants and needs of customers. McDonalds constantly works to satisfy customers by developing new products to appeal them. For example, McDonalds introduced a variety of salads to appeal to the healthier conscious customers (Yahoo! Contributor Network, 2005), and recently, McDonald’s added a new product line named ‘great taste of America’ so as to attract young customers. (UK McDonald’s, 2012) 2. Price As we all know that customers draw their own mental picture of what a product is worth, therefore, it is important for McDonald’s to know the customer’s perception of value. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006) McDonald’s will change their product price time to time based on the result of the marketing research, and offer the most reasonable price for the customers. 3. Promotions Every company has their own way to promote their products; McDonald’s is no different. The promotion strategy of McDonald’s could be classified into two aspects, which are the advertising promotion and sales promotion. 3. 1 Advertisement Advertisement is conducted on TV, radio, website, poster site, and all kinds of media that around our daily life. It is known that positive emotion can be very effective in creating memorable and persuasive messages (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006), this is also why the cheerful senses are always used in McDonalds’ commercials. Apart from this, customer-oriented appeals are also used in McDonalds’ advertisement. To advertise different types of customers, McDonald’s had different strategies, for example, they had co-operate with Walt Disney to produce toys that can attract children. Toy giveaways are a major promotion weapon in McDonald’s battle in the fast-food market share. McDonald’s have long put toys in kid’s meal to build traffic and encourage repeat visit from families. 3. 2 Sales Promotion McDonald’s had developed numerous of effective promotional campaign to attract more customers, and sales promotion is an aspect that they heavily rely on. It is believed that by adding extra value to the product, over and above the normal product offering, thus creating an extra inducement to consumers to buy or try them. (Brassington and Pettitt, 2006) McDonald’s strategy is to offer quality food quickly to customers at a good value. The pricing structure for McDonald’s over years has supported this message, McDonald’s has ran many promotions to increase product sales. For instance, they offer student offer, which gives out free hamburger, cheeseburger or ‘McFlurry Original’ with the customers purchase an ‘Extra Value Meal’ with a valid student ID card. Furthermore, McDonald’s also offer different types of coupons frequently in order to stimulate the demand and increase customers’ interest and desire to purchase their products. (McDonald’s, 2012) 4. Place Place, is about the physical location and the distribution points for products. McDonald’s had their special menu in different shops all over the world. For instance, Maharaja McBurger is a vegetarian burger marketed in India; Prosperity Burger is popular in China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Singapore; McDonalds offers Halal food in Muslim countries such as Saudi Arabia, UAE, Kuwait, Indonesia, Malaysia etc. Competitor Strategies: Nowadays, many fast food shops are building up in the market, which means the market share for fast food shop is becoming more competitive. As we all know, no company can be successful without a good competitor strategy. McDonald’s has become one of the well-known and famous fast food companies today because they have had an innovated and effective competitor strategy to conquer their enemies The major competitors of McDonald’s included Burger King, Doctor’s Associates and Yumburger. RQ Admit Company, 2012) Among all of the competitors strategies McDonald’s had applied, there are three main obvious ideas, which can help them establishing a good reputation and popularity in the market. New Production Strategy: As McDonalds had expanded internationally, in order to keep consumer’s loyalty and attract people’s attention, McDonald’s designs creative productions regularly which are both special and delicious, such as ‘shake shake chips’ and new version of burger. Clark, 2012) Furthermore, in order to spread further their market, they provided vegetarian food, which allowed customers that are vegetarian to purchase their product. Apart from this, McDonald’s has already established a great reputation in the market; therefore, they will be always exploiting their brand’s reputation and consumer’s desire to promote the new product. This is one of the effective ways, which could assist customers to gain their popularity and promote their new production. Healthy Food strategy: In this new generation, a new demand in the market has appeared. People are now craving for a healthy life and are more willing to purchase healthier food. Thus, on purpose of reaching customers’ new demand, McDonald’s had change their products from the traditional high-fat and oily food to food that contained lower calories and fat, as well as they had begun to provide some new choices of food, which are much healthier and more palatable, such as snack size fruit, walnut salad and yogurt parfait. (HubPages, 2012) Charity strategy: Ronald McDonald House Charities (RMDH) is one of the independent and egistered charities, whose mission is to provide comfort and safety place and environment for poor family and some ill or injured children. (McDonalds, 2012) There are some reasons why they built a charity. First of all, it is one of the unique strategies, which can make people feel that they have associated with the donation of the charity, after they purchased the food. Therefore, their reputation and population will increase in the mar ket and this will help McDonald creating a more positive image and change people’s rooted negative thought on fast food industry. Furthermore, RMDH can build up their brand name with co-operating with some charities to organize some activities. This is because it is one of the essential ways to let more people to be interested in McDonald’s. Thus, they can keep being one of the huge groups in the marketing share. Conclusion There is no doubt that McDonald’s is a successful company. The success of McDonald’s could be seen in the comprehensive and effective marketing research, the purposeful marketing mix created that satisfied customers needs and wants and the overwhelming competitor strategies, which helped McDonald’s to keep their market share. Reference: 1. Brassington, F. and Pettitt, S. , 2006. Principles of Marketing. England: Person Education Limited. 2. Clark, W. , 2012. Product Development Strategy for McDonald’s[online]. United Stated: Hearst Communications Inc.. Available from: http://smallbusiness. chron. com/product-development-strategy-mcdonalds-12207. html [Accessed 27 April 2012] 3. Hong, J. W. , 2009. Power of McDonald’s ‘Happy Meal’: Globalization of American Culture and Value. The Global Studies Journal. 2(2), pp. 143-154 4. Hubpages, 2012. Low Calorie and Healthy Choices at McDonald’s[online]. United State: HubPages Inc.. Available from: http://pbdietitian. hubpages. com/hub/low-calorie-and-healthy-choices-at-McDonalds [Accessed 22 April 2012] 5. McDonald’s, 2012. Ronald McDonald House Charities[online]. United Kingdom: McDonald’s. Available from: http://www. mcdonalds. co. uk/ukhome/Ourworld/Ronald-McDonald-House-Charities. html [Accessed 25 April 2012] 6. McDonald’s, 2012. Mission and Value[online]. United Kingdom: McDonald’s. Available from: http://www. aboutmcdonalds. com/mcd/our_company/mission_and_values. html [Accessed 23 April 2012] Yahoo! Contributor Network. , 2005. McDonald’s Strategic Marketing Mix. [online] http://voices. ahoo. com/mcdonalds-strategic-marketing-mix-372441. html? cat=4 7. R Q Amit Company, 2010. Marketing – McDonalds’ Style[online]. United State: R Q Amit Company. Available from: http://essayexpert. qapacity. com/financial-sucess/4604/marketing-mcdonalds-style/ [Accessed 25 April 2012]. 8. Salvam, P. , 2009. Expansion of M cDonald’s to regional markets. Management committee, 1, pp,1-10 9. The times 100. , 2012. The marketing process – A McDonald’s Restaurants case study. [online] http://businesscasestudies. co. uk/mcdonalds-restaurants/the-marketing-process/the-marketing-mix-and-market-research. html
Sunday, November 24, 2019
African American Inventors - Patent Holders Index P
African American Inventors - Patent Holders Index P Black history inventors are listed alphabetically: use the A to Z index bar to navigate and select or just browse the many listings. Each listing has the name of the black inventor followed by the patent number(s) which is the unique number assigned to an invention when a patent is issued, the date the patent was issued, and a description of the invention as written by the inventor. If available, links are provided to in-depth articles, biographies, illustrations and photos on each individual inventor or patent. How to submit to the database. O Pace to Pickett, Pinn to Purvis Q Harold Pace #5712899, 1/27/1998, Mobile location reporting apparatus and methods Lionel F Page #2,170,032, 8/22/1939, Auxiliary circulating device for automobile heaters Alice H Parker #1,325,905, 12/23/1919, Heating furnace John Percial Parker #304,552, 9/2/1884, Follower-screw for tobacco presses#318,285, 5/19/1885, Portable screw-press James A Parsons Jr. #1,728,360, 9/17/1929, Iron alloy#1,819,479, 8/13/1931, Method of making silicon iron compounds#1,972,103, 9/4/1934, Process for treating silicon alloy castings#2,200,208, 5/7/1940, Corrosion-resisting ferrous alloy Moses Payne #394,388, 12/11/1888, Horseshoe Robert A Pelham #807,685, 12/19/1905, Pasting device#NA, 1913, Tallying machine John Perry Jr. #3,284,239, 11/8/1966, Biochemical fuel cell (co-inventor Herbert F Hunger) Frank R Perryman #468,038, 2/2/1892, Caterers tray table Charles A Peterson #3,391,903, 7/9/1968, Power generating apparatus Henry Peterson #402,189, 2/30/1889, Attachment for lawn mowers William Henry Phelps #579,242, 3/23/1897, Apparatus for washing vehicles Anthony Phills #5,136,787, 10/3/1991, Ruler template for computer keyboard John F Pickering #643,975, 2/20/1900, Air ship Henry Pickett #152,511, 7/30/1874, Improvement in scaffolds O Pace to Pickett, Pinn to Purvis, Q Traverse B Pinn #231,355, 8/17/1880, File holder William D Polite #1,218,458, 3/6/1917, Gun Austin J Polk #558,103, 4/14/1896, Bicycle support Jessie T Pope #2,409,791, 10/22/1946, Croquignole iron James Hall Porter #3,534,528, 10/20/1970, Gas well sulfur removal by diffusion through polymeric membranes Alfred G B Prather #3,715,011, 2/6/1973, Gravity escape means Frank Rodger Prince #3,637,743, 1/25/1972, Production of 2-pyrrolidones Abraham Pugsley #433,306, 7/29/1890, Blind stop#433,819, 8/5/1890, Shutter worker Samuel Pugsley #357,787, 2/15/1887, Gate latch John E Purdy #405,117, 6/11/1889, Folding chair, (co-inventor Daniel A. Sadgwar) #570,337, 10/27/1896, Device for sharpening edged tools#609,367, 8/16/1898, Device for sharpening edged tools#630,106, 8/1/1899, Device for sharpening edged tools William H Purdy #D 24,228, 4/23/1895, Spoon design (co-inventor Leonard C. Peters) Willam B Purvis #256,856, 4/25/1882, Fastener for bag#273,149, 2/27/1883, Hand stamp#293,353, 2/12/1884, Paper bag machine#419,065, 1/7/1890, Fountain pen#420,099, 1/28/1890, Paper bag machine#519,291, 5/1/1894, Electric railway#539,542, 5/21/1895, Magnetic car balancing device#588,176, 8/17/1897, Electrical railway system Continue black history database Q
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Advertisements Based on Fear Mongering Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Advertisements Based on Fear Mongering - Essay Example Recently advertisers have also started using ‘fear’ for selling products. Fear is an emotion that led people to make emotional choices. For instance, disinfectant advertisements showing the harmful effects bacteria may cause to humans (Tyagi & Kumar, 2004). The fear phenomenon works wonders. People get afraid of some things, or conditions get easily directed to buy the advertised products instead of getting inspired by the qualities only. Such advertising is also known as ‘shockvertising’ (Wells et al., 2011). On the other hand, the other method of advertising is by using ‘flattery’. Sometimes advertisers flatter the viewers by appreciating their choices, thoughts and notions on particular matters and then introduce the products that complement the viewers and provoke them for buying the advertised products (Armstrong, 2010). Either fear or flattery, both has found to be very effective depending on the type of the product and theme of the advert isement. In order to present the products or services to the audiences the advertisers select a suitable theme and based on it a narrative is written. The advertisement is filmed by using techniques of mise-en-scene, sound and editing to focus on highlighting the product feature to appeal maximum customers and meet the ultimate goal that is to raise the sales of the product. In this paper the Coca-Cola recent advertisement ‘Holidays are Coming’ will be analyzed based on the techniques (mise en scene, sound, editing and narrative) used in the advertisement (Coca-Cola Company, 2014). Coca-Cola rejoiced its customers by launching its classic ‘Holidays are Coming’ TV advertisement in order to celebrate Christmas (Coca Cola, 2014). The advertisement shows how seeing the huge sparkling Coca-Cola truck on the streets of their towns excites people. The commercial created hype for people of all ages including children, youth and adults as they would be a part of the campaign when the truck would come to their towns and cities. The marketing director of Coca-Cola (UK) Zoe Howorth described the advertisement strategy as, â€Å"Coca-Cola has been spreading happiness in people on the Christmas event since long through its vibrant campaigns and Holidays are coming to the advertisement.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
IP Internetworking Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
IP Internetworking - Assignment Example It also concerns with ensuring that the wide area network at Houston is in a position of accommodating the traffic in the entire network. Whereas using static addresses has its advantages, the biggest downside is high administrative demands even when minor changes occur in the network. To cater for this, the new phase will use dynamic addressing system so that the hosts acquire Internet protocol automatically. As a result, this lowers the administrative overhead. The virtual local area network is from the departments available in XUM. Consequently, the VLANs are sales vlan2, finance vlan3, human resources vlan4, research and development vlan5, default vlan1 and management vlan6. The creation of the VLAN at XUM results from the departments available. Therefore, there are four data VLANs namely sales VLAN2, finance VLAN3, human resource VLAN4, Research, and development VLAN5. In addition, a native VLAN is the default VLAN1. Furthermore, there is a management VLAN VLAN6 that gets IP addresses to enable the management to manage the switch. It has been possible with remote control tools that allow management to ssh or telnet the switch through the management VLAN. To allow for communication of personal computers on similar VLANs but separated by a switch or a number of switches, a trunk link now exists between the switches. The manager sets the range of virtual local area networks that can communicate via the trunk link (Ahmad, 2002). Trunking is the best method. It was in comparison to creating physical relationships of various VLANs among the switches. In this case, between one switch and another there would have been six links, which would have wasted twelve ports. Further, it means that each of the individual links has different port numbers that make their management extremely difficult in case the network expands to accommodate twice or more the number of VLANS already existing. Use of dynamic trunking protocol has enabled
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Introduction healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Introduction healthcare - Research Paper Example They have both seen a great deal of change throughout their history. The largest impact on change within these organizations has been the constantly advancing technology; it has expanded services tremendously. The greatest challenge they both face now is the continuance of funding and personnel support in order to be able to continue their outreach services. The American National Red Cross The American National Red Cross is a branch of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement. It was founded in May, 1881, by Clara Barton, a pioneer in American nursing. It is a neutral, independent organization to promote life, peace, and communication in order to alleviate human suffering worldwide. It is a health care and humanitarian organization that today still serves Americans nationwide with particular emphasis on disaster relief and service to military families. Its blood drives supply more than half of the nation’s needed blood supply. Their overall aim is to feed, shelter , and provide comfort and emotional support as well as access to health care during times of disaster and crisis. (American National Red Cross, 2011) The original vision for the American National Red Cross was to provide quick and accurate communication of information during emergencies, as well as service for ill and wounded military personnel and their families.
Friday, November 15, 2019
Tipi Tales Analysis
Tipi Tales Analysis Mahealani Subad As children grow, we try to teach them certain values that will help them later in life to become good human beings. Some of the teachings can be taught from children shows as they show scenarios of life lessons, such as honesty, through characters that children attach themselves too. In the children show Tipi Tales (Oswald 2002), it presents children with life lessons and stories that based upon Indigenous culture through puppeteer work. With the children show ended in 2007, it taught lessons, specifically Ojibwe teachings, and converting some of the values from those teachings into characters to make the show relatable to younger audiences (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers). The show was seen as a way to present Indigenous culture to Canadian children in a way to connect the indigenous community with prime-time television as it was mainly shown on the popular television station Treehouse (Course Entertainment 2002). Within the show, Tipi Tales (Oswald 2002) follows four cousins of Indigenous descent who visit their great-grandparents where they are taught life lessons from various characters who resemble Ojibwe teachings. In the childrens show, there are seven animal characters, in which, each of the animal characters correspond with the Ojibwe teaching of the Seven Grandfather Teachings (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers). The Seven Grandfather Teachings are the ethical values of the Ojibwe people, which consists of humility, bravery, honesty, wisdom, truth, respect and love (Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers). These values that the Ojibwe had set was apart of their oral traditions that have been passed down by elders within the community (Verbos and Humphries 2013). The values were told through story that conveyed the meaning of how human beings should behave whether if it is towards each other or the Earth (Verbos and Humphries 2013). An example of the values and the relation i t has with human beings and the Earth would be respect as it attaches itself to all creations such as nature, creatures and people (Verbos and Humphries 2013). In indigenous culture, nature is not seen as an object, but as a living thing, in which, indigenous people believe that the Earth should not be treated or be exploited by human beings at the expense of other forms of life (Verbos and Humphries 2013). The way Tipi Tales portray these values sets them in an understanding that children can comprehend the meaning of each lesson taught within each episode of the show. However, when analyzing the show, I did not comprehend the Indigenous origins of the values that were being portrayed within the show. Although the show involved an indigenous family and had undertones of Indigenous music during the title sequence, I had to look further into learning about the 7 Grandfather teachings to truly understand the indigenous origins behind the show. Nonetheless, with the exclusion of the extensive research to understand the origin of values taught within Tipi Tales, it does create a cultural outreach to Canadian audiences as there are not many children shows that present an indigenous culture or identity on prime-time television. As mentioned before, Tipi Tales was one of the two shows, along side The Mole Sisters, to present the rich and oral traditions of Canadas Aboriginal community and our strong literary traditions on Canadian prime-time television (Course Entertainment 2002). By making the decision of adding a children show based upon Indigenous teachings, it can be seen as respectable allowing diversity into younger audiences entertainment as the show is shares the values of the Seven Grandfather Teachings of the Ojibwe people. The show can be a starting point into introducing Indigenous culture to children as there are aspects of the culture that everyone can learn from, especially as an adult as life can be construed fr om the mistreatment and exploitation that we see often that effects the Earth or our everyday lives. Upon researching the children show, Tipi Tales, I had only heard of the show and watched some of the episode as a child not putting any thought into the show as it seemed like any other children show that taught life lessons of how to be kind and to treat others the way they wanted to be treated. However, with taking another look at the show, it presents a deeper meaning as the show introduces life lessons in the perspective of Indigenous culture where the whole show is based upon the Seven Grandfather Teachings of love, honesty, bravery, wisdom, humility, truth, and respect. All values a child must learn and with the extent that the values can be applied to nature as it is seen as animated. Bibliography Ojibwe Teachings The 7 Grandfathers. Anishinabek Bumadizone:An Ojibwe Peoples Resource. Accessed March 18, 2017. Tipi Tales. Directed by Lesley Oswald. By Nancy Trites Botkin. Performed by Herbie Barnes, Jane Skene, Rebecca Gibson, Ryan Rajendra Black, Michelle St. John, and Jules Desjarlais. 2002. Treehouse TV Brings Canadas Literary and Aboriginal Oral Traditions to Television for Young Viewers. Corus Entertainment. 2002. Accessed March 20, 2017. Verbos, Amy Klemm, and Maria Humphries. A Native American Relational Ethic: An Indigenous Perspective on Teaching Human Responsibility. Journal of Business Ethics 123, no. 1 (2013): 1-9. doi:10.1007/s10551-013-1790-3.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Essay --
The Rise of the Seahawks Section 1: Pre-game The Seattle Seahawks located in Seattle Washington, is one of the top teams in the NFL. The Seahawks were founded in 1976 and are owned by Paul Allen. The Seattle Seahawks haven't had it easy, it's been rough ride throughout the years. There have been many coaches and many players have passed through the Seattle team. There are some very special people that the Seahawks truly treasure that aren’t players or coaches out on the field. They treasure the 12th man. This allusive 12th man isnt a player out on the field, it's the fans. Even though the 12th man spirit didn't start in Seattle they are loud and proud about it. Seattle has some of the loudest fans in the league. They are so loud that they get earthquake readings at Century Link Stadium, they call the earthquake reading "Beast Mode." This season(2013-2014) they have a very tough lineup, they have "Beast Mode"aka Marshawn Lynch, Richard Sherman, Russell Wilson, Golden Tate and the amazing coach Pete Carroll. The Seattle Seahawks have been a very successful team in the 2013-2014 season. The Seahawks have a strong defense which has been a key part in their success this year. The Seahawk’s offense hasn’t been bad this year either. They have some very strong player that contribute to their success. Their offense includes: #3 quarterback Russell Wilson, #24 running back â€Å"beast mode†Marshawn Lynch, #89 wide reciever 1 Doug Baldwin and #81 wide reciever 2 Golden â€Å"Showtime†Tate. Without this strong offense and strong defense the Seahawks wouldn’t be where they are today. There are many questions I would like to answer throughout the paper. How has Seattle recently become so successful in the past year?. Is it their ... ...hquake readings. The magnitude of the earthquakes are ranging in the 1-2 range. When fans can get that loud to have earthquake readings you know that they are truly dedicated to be a Seahawks fan. I have learned so much about football in general and the Seahawks from doing this paper. Its amazing on when I pick a topic that I really like on how I can into the paper and make it the best that I can. While I was doing my research I really started to understand the game better. When you understand the game the more fun it is to watch the game and more intense the game is. I really enjoyed getting to research such a cool topic that has been in the news a lot recently for winning the super bowl. But it was kinda hard trying to find the rich history from when the team started. It was still awesome to be able to write about this topic while they won their first Super Bowl!
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Advantages and Disadvantages of Jungle Trekking Essay
INTRODUCTION OF TOURIST ATTRACTION Our group has been providing information about the place we want it to be commercialized. The place we choose is Kampung Suba Buan,Bau. It takes about one and half hour from town city. This place is suitable for tourist that love about the nature and likes the relaxing places for keep their mind free. At this place is not just one activity that can we do, the other activity is we can do is jungle tracking go through the forest to enjoy the natural flora and fauna. The residents of the village is majority is Bidayuh. This race is still maintaining their culture, customs and their daily routine from generation to generation since time immemorial. This village can also be used for a camping site activities at the weekend. Besides, the tourist can enjoy the tradisional food at Kampung Suba Buan village. PICTURE Picture 1 : Bau’s pit stop These is our first pit stop before we reach to the destination. It was located km from the town city. Picture 2 : Petrol station is nearest the Bau’s town. Before we reach Kampung Suba Buan there’s one petrol station at the town. TOURISM PRODUCT OFFERED In each country nor state the tourism product is important for our tourist to know about the interesting thing in each places. In addition,tourism product also known as an experience that a tourists participates when visiting a place and refers to tourism activity that is offered in a tourism destination. For our tourism product offered is :- Gastronomic Tourism -Ayam pansuh -Midin vegetables -Kersem (fermented pork) -Tepui (alcoholic made of sugarcane juice) Adventure Tourism -Jungle tracking -Mountain climbing CONCLUSION We hope that this place can make more attraction for tourism destination and hope that this place will be the same level as the other tourist attraction destination. This place will give them a great memory because this place is so magnificient. They can also do a lot of activities with friends and family.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Sometime, Sometimes, and Some Time
Sometime, Sometimes, and Some Time Sometime, Sometimes, and Some Time Sometime, Sometimes, and Some Time By Maeve Maddox A reader questions a friend’s use of sometimes: She will say â€Å"I hope we get to see you sometimes.†Is there supposed to be a plural for sometime? There is an s form of sometime, but it is not a plural. Adverbs don’t have plural forms. The morphemes some and time occur in three combinations: sometime, sometimes, and some time. Written as one word, sometime is an adverb implying a vague time in the future: I hope we get to see you sometime.†Sometimes, also an adverb, denotes the sense of occasionally: Sometimes I see a deer in my backyard. One-word sometime can be used as an adjective meaning occasional or former: [John M. Robertson] worked throughout his life primarily as a writer, a sometime journalist, and a sometime politician, having been elected to Parliament in 1906. Hamlet laments the betrayal by his sometime friends Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Written as two words, some time has different meanings. Some time can mean â€Å"quite a while†: It has been some time since the school district had a competent administrator. Some may simply be an adjective qualifying time: Margaret said she needed some time to think about her relationship with Charles. The following sentence illustrates all these forms: Sometimes I spend some time wishing I could see the sometime friends I haven’t seen for some time. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Misused Words category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)The Four Sounds of the Spelling OUAppropriate vs. Apropos vs. Apt
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Avian Influenza and Humans H5N1 Essay Example
Avian Influenza and Humans H5N1 Essay Example Avian Influenza and Humans H5N1 Paper Avian Influenza and Humans H5N1 Paper Abstract            There are three types of influenza virus: A, B, and C. Type A strains are broken down further into low pathogenic (LPAI) and highly pathogenic (HPAI). Some HPAI viruses, such as H5N1, resulted in mild human infections and in some cases, have been fatal. An â€Å"H5N1†virus has an HA 5 protein and a NA 1 protein. There are sixteen known HA subtypes and nine known NA subtypes. There are many combinations of HA and NA proteins that are possible. Only influenza A viruses and all its known subtypes infect birds. Influenza A H5 affects both human and birds. There are nine, potential subtypes of H5 known. â€Å"H5 infections, such as HPAI H5N1 viruses currently circulating in Asia and Europe, have been documented among humans and sometimes cause severe illness or death†(CDC, 2).            In 2006, a new strain of H5N1 bird flu appeared in China. It affected three times as many Chinese poultry than it did the previous year. Researchers say that it is a new â€Å"Fujian-like†strain of virus that came from a duck in Fujian, China in 2005 (MacKenzie, 1). The rate of poultry infections jumped from 3 percent in 2005 to 95 percent by 2006. Vaccine-induced antibodies did not recognize this new Fujian virus.            In 2008, a new strain of H5N1 was detected in Nigeria for the first time. It was found to be different from the strains that were circulating in 2006 and 2007 (Stackyard, 1). The new strain was similar to the strains identified in Italy, Afghanistan, and Iran in 2007. â€Å"Influenza viruses constantly mutate, however, and vaccines are most effective against the highly specific strains that they are made from†(Bardi, 1).            A team of scientist at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), which is a part of the National Institute of Health (NIH), report that it is possible to prepare vaccines and therapeutics to target a future mutant strain of H5N1. â€Å"This advance was made possible by creating mutations in the regions of the H5N1 hemagglutinin (HA) protein that directs the virus to bird or human cells and eliciting antibodies to it†(Bardi, 1).            New strains appear and replace older strains. When a new strain of virus emerges, antibody protection that may have developed after infection or vaccination with an older strain may not provide protection against the new strain. For this reason, the influenza vaccine must be updated yearly. References Bardi, Jason Socrates. NIH Scientists Target Future Pandemic Strains of H5N1 Avian Influenza. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from Centers for Disease Control. Influenza Viruses. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from MacKenzie, Debora. New Strain of H5N1 Bird Flu Emerges in China. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from Stackyard, Via. Nigeria: A New Strain of H5N1. Retrieved March 12, 2009 from
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Race and power in the US Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Race and power in the US - Essay Example Tule Lake!!! I had to stop making your father’s supper. I have only heard that name in my nightmares for the past thirty years. I know you children have always assumed that during World War II I was in Europe with your father. I was not. My wartime experiences are a matter of deep shame. To start with, all I have told you about your grandmother is true. My mother was born in Tokyo to poor parents. Upon marrying my father, they both dreamed of coming to America. My parents believed that if one worked hard enough in America, one could achieve greatness. They both worked to save the money for the ocean voyage. Upon my mother’s realization that she was pregnant, both my parents made a difficult choice. They had saved enough money for one. My father decided to send my mother ahead to America. They wanted their child born on American soil. My mother arrived in 1924, a few months before I was born. After we arrived in San Francisco, my mother worked as a dishwasher to support both of us. Mother saved every spare penny to bring father to America, but by the time they had saved the money, the restrictions on immigration had tightened. My mother and father were still going through the red tape when Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. The tensions in Japan had been rising before. I remember as a teenager, the headlines of Japan invading China. I was afraid for the father I had never met. Father’s letters started coming few and far between, then after Pearl Harbor stopped all together. Mother was frantic. Oddly enough, when the flyers calling for â€Å"Japanese Americans†to relocate my mother and I were not too concerned. I do not know if my mother thought we would be returned to Japan or not. She did think we would be reunited with father upon the completion of the war, one way or another. We lived in an apartment away from our Japanese friends in an all white neighborhood. Our landlord pressured us out of
Friday, November 1, 2019
E-learning Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
E-learning - Essay Example The acquisition of learning techniques and styles by students depends on the personal characteristics of the student, the subject of study, and the student’s level of understanding of the subject. Research confirms that different people prefer different approaches to learning. No one approach or strategy of e-learning is optimal for all students. The methods and technologies used for e-learning in the United Arabs Emirates include the use of web-based education techniques, podcasting, internet video conferencing, social networking software, and computer-assisted instructions, among others. The styles of e-learning are especially gaining popularity in the higher education sector where most of the students are distant learners. This paper discusses how the learning preferences of an individual influence the extent to which e-learning can be an effective learning tool, especially in the United Arabs Emirates. E-learning allows the adoption of the education content to suit the learning styles of individual students. It may entail the incorporation of digital media, digitized materials, graphics, web-based interactions, interactive videos, among others. The adoption of different learning styles and methods impact on the effectiveness of e-learning in the higher education sector. Some researchers have supported the adoption of e-learning with the argument that it allows for the adjustment of educational content to suit the learning needs of the students. However, majority of studies in this field have been confined to the use of standard conventional learning styles in the e-learning systems (Brown, Zoghi, Williams, Jaberzadeh, Roller, Palermo, & Holt, 2009, p.4). This includes tutorial, lecture, problem-based learning, and written text. The relationship between the styles of e-learning and the effectiveness of the e-learning system, as well as the attitude of students towards e-learning, h as been discussed in
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